The major side-ef ects are constipation, headache and diarrhoea but they are mild to moderate in nature. In chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, rash has occurred in approximately 1% of Seton (ondansetron) is a potent, highly selective 5-HT3
patients receiving ondansetron. Sensation of warmth or flushing, (serotonin) receptor antagonist. Due to antagonism of 5-HT3 hiccup, occasional alterations of in liver enzymes, hypersensitivity (serotonin) receptor on neurons located both in the central and reactions, involuntary movements, seizures, chest pain, peripheral nervous system, it inhibits the triggering of vomiting arrythmias, hypotension and bradycardia are also reported.
reflex. It has proven to be highly ef icacious in the treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy induced nausea and vomiting.
Ondansetron is contraindicated in patients with a history of INDICATION
hypersensitivity to ondansetron and other selective 5-HT Seton is indicated in
l Prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by PRECAUTION
l Prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with radiotherapy. It should be used cautiously in case of moderate or severe l Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
hepatic impairment. It is not a drug that stimulates gastric or intestinal peristalsis. It should not be used instead of nasogastric DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION
Prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with highly USE IN PREGNANCY AND LACTATION
Adult use: The recommended adult oral dose is 24 mg to be
Pregnancy category B. There are no adequate and wel -control ed administered 30 minutes before the start of single-day highly studies in pregnant women. This drug should be used during emetogenic chemotherapy, then fol owed by 8 mg oral y every 12 pregnancy only if clearly needed. It is not known whether ondansetron is excreted in human milk. Caution should be Prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with moderately exercised when ondansetron is administered to nursing women.
Adult dose: 8 mg oral y 30 minutes before treatment; then
fol owed by 8 mg every 12 hours for up to 5 days or up to 1 to 2 Ondansetron is metabolized by hepatic cytochrome P-450 days after completion of the chemotherapy.
metabolizing enzymes. So, inducers or inhibitors of these Pediatric use: For pediatric patients (4 to 11 years), the dose is 4
enzymes may change the clearance and hence, the half-life of Prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with radiotherapy: Adult dose: The recommended oral dose is 8 mg given three
Seton 8 Tablet: Box containing 3 x 10 tablets in blister pack.
For total body irradiation, 8 mg should be administered 1 to 2 Each film-coated tablet contains ondansetron hydrochloride hours before each fraction of radiotherapy administered each day.
dihydrate USP which is equivalent to ondansetron 8 mg.
For single high-dose fraction radiotherapy to the abdomen, 8 mg should be administered 1 to 2 hours before radiotherapy, with PHARMACEUTICAL PRECAUTION
subsequent doses every 8 hours after the first dose up to 1 to 2 Keep in a dry place away from light and heat. days after completion of radiotherapy.
For daily fractionated radiotherapy to the abdomen, 8 mg should be administered 1 to 2 hours before radiotherapy, with subsequent doses every 8 hours after the first dose for each day Adult use: The recommended dose is 16 mg given 1 hour before
induction of anesthesia or 8 mg 1 hour before anesthesia fol owed Kishoreganj, Bangladesh
by 8 mg at intervals of 8 hours for 2 further doses. In patient with severe hepatic impairment, a total daily dose of 8 mg should not


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