J. Med. Microbiol. Ð Vol. 50 (2001), 71±77
# 2001 The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Carriage of class 1 integrons and antibiotic
resistance in clinical isolates of Acinetobacter
Departamento de Immunologia, Microbiologia y Parasitologia, Facultad de Medicina y Odontologia,
Universidad del Pais Vasco, 48080 Bilbao, Spain and ÃDepartment of Microbiology & PHLSLaboratory,
University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH
A collection of 70 clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii from Bilbao in northern
Spain was examined by PCR for the presence of class 1 integron structures. The
organisms comprised 21 distinct RAPD genotypes, with 10 distinct antibiogram patterns.
Four different integron structures were detected in a total of 59 (84%) of the 70 isolates,
with two predominant integron structures found in 20 and 30 isolates each. No clear
antibiogram differences could be correlated with the presence or absence of integron
structures, but sequence analysis of two of the internal integron regions indicated
homology with genes encoding ANT(20) adenyltransferase activity and AAC(69)-Ib
acetyltransferase activity. Phenotypic analysis of aminoglycoside resistance pro®les
indicated that many isolates produced a combination of aminoglycoside-modifying
enzymes, with most of the observed resistance to amikacin being associated with a gene
encoding APH(39)-VI phosphotransferase, as detected by PCR. RAPD analysis indicated
that all the Bilbao isolates producing APH(39)-VI were distinct from an epidemic
integron-carrying and APH(39)-VI-producing Acinetobacter strain found in other regions
of Spain. It is concluded that, although class 1 integrons are widely disseminated
amongst clinical isolates of A. baumannii from the Bilbao region of Spain, at present
they are not playing a major role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in
As in other species, plasmids and transposons play an
important role in the acquisition of antibiotic resistance
Members of the genus Acinetobacter, predominantly A.
by Acinetobacter spp. In addition, antibiotic
baumannii, are recognised as increasingly important
resistance in Acinetobacter spp., particularly to ami-
nosocomial pathogens, especially in intensive care
noglycosides, has been associated increasingly with the
units, where they are associated particularly with
presence of integrons These elements possess a
nosocomial pneumonia Such infections are often
site-speci®c recombination system enabling the inser-
dif®cult to treat because of the ability of acinetobacters
tion, deletion and re-arrangement of discrete genetic
to become rapidly resistant to multiple antibiotics,
cassettes, often comprising antibiotic resistance genes,
including aminoglycosides, expanded-spectrum cepha-
within the integron structure Several classes of
losporins, carbapenems and ¯uoroquinolones
integrons have been described with class 1
Some strains are effectively untreatable, and the
integrons being the most common and widely dis-
severity and dif®culties associated with nosocomial
tributed among gram-negative bacteria Inte-
infection by A. baumannii are related directly to the
grons have been found in isolates of Acinetobacter spp.
particularly high rates of resistance found
from various locations worldwide and it has
been suggested that multiresistant isolates of Acineto-
bacter spp. may act as a reservoir of integron-
associated antibiotic resistance genes, which could
then spread to other pathogens in the hospital
Received 31 Jan. 2000; revised version accepted 10 May
Corresponding author: Dr K.J. Towner (email: Kevin.Towner
The main aim of the present study was to determine
the prevalence of class 1 integrons among nosocomial
discrimination between genetically unrelated groups of
isolates of A. baumannii from the city of Bilbao in
Acinetobacter spp. is achieved at an SAB value of 0.7
northern Spain, and to examine whether there was any
therefore, isolates that clustered together with an
correlation between antibiotic resistance and carriage
SAB value of .0.7, with both primers, were considered
of class 1 integrons. The Hospital of Santa Marina,
to be closely related and to form a single RAPD
Bilbao, is a 200-bed institution specialising in respira-
genotype. Comparison of isolates from Bilbao and
tory illness. Infections caused by A. baumannii are a
Barcelona was performed with M13 core primer, as
particular problem. An epidemic strain of A. baumannii
carrying a class 1 integron has been reported
previously in Barcelona and other regions of Spain
and the study also aimed to establish whether
Detection and characterisation of class 1
this strain had spread from Barcelona to Bilbao.
integronsTotal genomic DNA extracts of A. baumannii isolates
were used as templates in PCR experiments to detect
the hot-spot insertion regions of class 1 integrons. Each
PCR was performed with a Ready-To-Go PCR bead
(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Little Chalfont, Bucks)
In total, 70 isolates of A. baumannii were obtained
in a ®nal 25-ìl volume containing 5 ìl of DNA
from different patients attending the Hospital of Santa
extract and 2.5 pmol each of primers 59CS and 39CS,
Marina, Bilbao, Spain, from June 1998 until April
as described previously Initial comparison of the
1999. The specimens from which A. baumannii were
inserted cassettes in the class 1 integron structures
isolated comprised 58 sputum samples, three blood
detected was performed by taking 5-ìl portions of the
cultures, one broncho-alveolar sample, one urine, three
primary PCR products and digesting them with HinfI,
wound swabs, three pleural aspirates and one stool. All
the isolates were identi®ed initially with the API 32
system (bioMeÂrieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France), with
Further PCR analysis of possible inserted cassettes was
identi®cation to the level of genomic species being
performed by taking total genomic DNA or initial
con®rmed by tDNA ®ngerprinting The isolates
integron PCR products and using the primers and
were stored at À208C in nutrient broth containing
methodology described by Vila et al. to seek the
glycerol 50% v/v before inclusion in this study. An
aph(39)-VIa gene, which is reported to be responsible
integron-carrying strain of A. baumannii from Barce-
for much of the amikacin resistance found in A.
lona (generously donated by Professor J. Vila),
designated previously as strain Ab41 or strain
ESP41 was included in the study, as was the
sensitive type strain of A. baumannii, ATCC 19606.
Preliminary sequence dataCycle sequencing of PCR products, puri®ed with a
GFX PCR DNA Gel Band Puri®cation Kit (Amer-
sham), was performed with the 59CS primer and a Cy5
MICs for the isolates were determined by the broth
Thermo Sequenase Dye Terminator Kit (Amersham),
micro-dilution method described by the National
with both kits used as recommended by the manufac-
Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
turer. DNA sequencing reactions were analysed on
with Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain ATCC 27853 as a
acrylamide (Premix Long Ranger Gel Solution; Flow-
control. The antibiotics tested were aztreonam, cefe-
gen, Ashby de la Zouch, Leics) 6% w/v gels in an
pime, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, imipenem, meropenem,
automated ALFexpress DNA Sequencer (Amersham).
ticarcillin, amikacin, gentamicin, cipro¯oxacin, levo-
The DNA sequences obtained were screened against
¯oxacin, nor¯oxacin and o¯oxacin. Similarity coef®-
known sequences contained in nucleic acid sequence
cients (SAB values) were calculated and subjected to
databases by the BLAST (Basic Local Alignment
cluster analysis as described previously except
Search Tool) on-line method (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
that MIC values rather than inhibition zone sizes were
used. Aminoglycoside resistance pro®les were analysed
further by a disk method, with 12 different drug
ResultsDNA ®ngerprinting experiments and antibiograms
Twenty-one distinct RAPD genotypes of A. baumannii
Total genomic DNA extracts of A. baumannii isolates
were identi®ed among the 70 isolates included in the
were prepared and then compared by analysis of
randomly ampli®ed polymorphic DNA (RAPD) ®nger-
antibiogram data for one isolate of each type. Three
prints, obtained with primers AP3 and ERIC2
Previous investigations have determined that good
collectively accounting for 44 (63%) of the 70 isolates.
Table 1. Antibiograms for A. baumannii isolates representing the 21 RAPD genotypes delineated during the study
Spt, sputum; B/c, blood culture; Wnd, wound; Plp, pleural aspirate; TIC, ticarcillin; CTX, cefotaxime; CAZ, ceftazidime; CFM, cefepime; IMP, imipenem; MEM, meropenem; AZT, aztreonam; AMI, amikacin; GEN,
gentamicin; NOR, nor¯oxacin; CIP, cipro¯oxacin; LEV, levo¯oxacin; OFL, o¯oxacin.
Minor variations in antibiograms were observed within
For screening purposes, preliminary DNA sequences
each genotype, and the isolates listed are the most
were generated from the 59 end of puri®ed PCR
resistant representatives of each type. Antibiograms
products corresponding to the inserted cassette regions
with an SAB value of .0.9 were considered to be
in each of the four integron structures. Isolate SM36
indistinguishable. On this basis, 10 distinct antibio-
(structure a) yielded a 550-base sequence that showed
grams were distinguishable among the 21 different
95% base homology with the aadB gene cassette
genotypes, of which the most common was shared by
encoding ANT(20) adenyltransferase activity (accession
54 (77%) isolates belonging to 10 genotypes (A, B, E,
no. U14415 Similarly, isolate SM49 (structure c)
L, M, N, P, Q, R and T). None of the other
yielded a 650-base sequence that showed 93% base
antibiograms was shared by more than two genotypes.
homology with an aacA4 gene encoding AAC(69)-Ib
acetyltransferase activity (accession no. AF043381).
Taken together with the ampli®ed external non-coding
regions, the known sizes of these aadB and aacA4 gene
Ampli®cation with primers speci®c for the 59 and 39
cassettes (591 bp and 637 bp, respectively were
conserved regions of class 1 integrons yielded PCR
suf®cient to account for the entire ampli®ed regions
products from 59 of the 70 isolates. Four predominant
integron structures a and c. No signi®cant
PCR products of 760, 550, 800 and 600 bp were
database homology was detected with a 400-base
visualised Additional faint PCR products of
sequence generated from isolate SM80 (structure b)
various sizes were visualised occasionally, but were not
or a 650-base sequence generated from isolate SM52
reproducible and were not investigated further. Four
different HinfI ®ngerprint patterns, corresponding to
the four predominant PCR products, were obtained and
designated a±d The most common structures
were a and b, found in 20 and 30 isolates, respectively.
Structures c and d were detected in eight isolates and
Members of the genus Acinetobacter frequently have
one isolate, respectively. Based on the sizes of the
complex combinations of aminoglycoside resistance
inserted cassette regions detected and the reported sizes
of previously characterised gene cassettes it
identi®ed here, aadB, encoding ANT(20), confers
seemed likely that each of the four integron structures
resistance to gentamicin and tobramycin, whereas
contained one, or at most two, inserted gene cassettes.
aacA4, encoding one of the AAC(69)-I family of
Integrons of the same internal structure were found in
enzymes, confers resistance to tobramycin, amikacin
more than one Acinetobacter genotype, but no single
and netilmicin. Amikacin resistance in Acinetobacter
genotype contained more than one type of integron
spp. can be associated with production of either 69-N-
acetyltransferase type I (AAC(69)-I) enzymes or
39-O-phosphotransferase type VI (APH(39)-VI) To
distinguish these possibilities, total DNA and integron
Correlation of antibiotic resistance pro®les with
PCR products from the representative isolates listed in
responding to the 21 different genotypes,
were screened by PCR for the presence of the aph(39)-
Attempts were made to correlate the observed minor
VIa gene. Of the 10 isolates that expressed resistance
variations in antibiograms within each genotype with
(MIC . 16 mg=L) to amikacin, eight (SM10, 16, 28,
the presence or absence of integron structures, but no
29, 30, 36, 49 and 80) yielded a 234-bp PCR product
clear distinctions could be made. For example, only 10
characteristic of the aph(39)-VIa gene when total,
of the 14 isolates that belonged to genotype P yielded a
but not integron, DNA was used as a template. Thus,
type a integron structure, and these 10 isolates varied
the aph(39)-VIa gene was widely distributed amongst
slightly in antibiotic susceptibilities among themselves
the different genotypes, but did not form part of the
and from the four isolates that lacked an integron
integron structures identi®ed. Isolate SM49 possessed
both an aph(39)-VIa gene and an integron-associated
Table 2. Characteristics of the inserted cassette regions of the class 1 integron
aacA4 gene. Two isolates (SM69 and 77) were resistant
but all eight Bilbao genotypes with the aph(39)-VIa
to amikacin, but lacked an aph(39)-VIa gene; these
gene were clearly distinguishable from strain ESP41.
isolates were assumed to express an AAC(69)-I
enzyme, but lacked the type c integron structure found
in SM49. In contrast, isolate SM15 contained the type
c integron structure, but was susceptible to amikacin
Class 1 integron structures were detected by PCR in 59
(84%) of 70 clinical isolates of A. baumannii from
Bilbao. Although these clinical isolates were geneti-
side disks for four representative isolates carrying the
cally diverse, with 21 distinct genotypes identi®ed, only
four different integron structures. Isolate SM52 (in-
four integron structures ± recognised on the basis of
tegron structure d) did not differ signi®cantly in
their HinfI restriction endonuclease ®ngerprint pro®les ±
behaviour from the sensitive type strain of A.
were identi®ed. These structures were disseminated
baumannii. Therefore, it was concluded that the type
amongst 18 genotypes, with types a and b being found
d integron structure did not encode aminoglycoside
in 20 and 30 isolates, respectively. These ®ndings
resistance. After taking account of the resistance
clearly indicate the spread of integron structures among
phenotype associated with aph(39)-VIa (already demon-
different A. baumannii genotypes found in Bilbao.
strated by PCR in isolates SM36, SM49 and SM80),
However, and in contrast to many integrons found in A.
the pro®les obtained also suggested production of
baumannii elsewhere in the world the Bilbao
ANT(20) and an AAC(3) enzyme by isolate SM36, the
structures seemed to have acquired only one (or at most
production of AAC(3)-II by isolate SM80, and the
two) inserted resistance gene cassettes.
production of AAC(69)-I and AAC(3)-II by isolate
SM49. These results were consistent with the pre-
Ten different antibiograms were seen amongst the 21
liminary integron sequencing data in the two cases
genotypes, but there were no clear phenotypic differ-
(isolates SM36 and SM49) where signi®cant homology
ences between isolates of the same genotype with and
without an integron. Preliminary sequence analysis
indicated the presence of cassettes encoding ANT(20)
adenyltransferase and AAC(69)-Ib acetyltransferase
Dissemination of the aph(39)-VI gene in Spain
activity for two of the integron structures (a and c,
respectively). Aminoglycoside resistance determinants
Amikacin resistance in Acinetobacter spp. from differ-
are the predominant gene cassettes found in integrons
ent regions of Spain has previously been associated
from gram-negative bacteria including Acineto-
with the spread of an epidemic strain carrying the
bacter isolates collected worldwide However, many
multiply-resistant acinetobacters produce complex com-
amikacin resistance found in Bilbao was associated,
binations of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes, many
at least in part, with spread of the same epidemic
of which are not encoded by integrons and
strain, representatives (SM10, 16, 28, 29, 30, 36, 49
analysis of disk inhibition tests indicated that this was
and 80) of the eight genotypes found to carry the
aph(39)-VIa gene were directly compared in RAPD
experiments with the epidemic strain ESP41 found in
As a strain of A. baumannii carrying a class 1 integron
Barcelona and other regions of Spain. The RAPD
was reported to be widely disseminated in Barcelona
pro®les obtained with M13 core primer (Fig.
and other regions of Spain it was interesting
indicated that isolates SM28 and SM29 were indis-
to determine whether this strain had spread to the
tinguishable from each other with this primer (although
Bilbao region. The Barcelona strain encodes APH(39)-
they were distinguished with primers AP3 and ERIC2),
VI, a 39-O-phosphotransferase that inactivates amikacin
Table 3. Aminoglycoside disk zone sizes and deduced aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes for representative isolates
of A. baumannii carrying the four integron structures
AMK, amikacin; APR, apramycin; EPI, episisomicin; FOR, fortimicin; GEN, gentamicin; ISP, isepamicin; KAN, kanamycin; NEO, neomycin;
NET, netilmicin; 69-NET, 69-netilmicin; 29Net, 29-netilmicin; TOB, tobramycin; NZ, no zone.
ÃThe presence of the gene encoding APH(39)-VI was con®rmed by PCR. ySensitive type strain of A. baumannii.
Fig. 1. Comparative RAPD pro®les obtained with M13 primer for A. baumannii isolates carrying the aph(39)-VI gene.
Lanes: 1, isolate SM10; 2, SM16; 3, SM28; 4, SM29; 5, SM30; 6, SM36; 7, SM49; 8, SM80; 9, ESP41 (epidemic
This gene was detected by PCR in eight of the 10
L.G. is indebted to the Basque Government and the British Council
genotypes found in Bilbao that expressed resistance to
for ®nancial support, and to M.J. Canduela and F. LoÂpez-Otsoa for
amikacin. However, all these genotypes were clearly
distinguished from the Barcelona strain. As in France
it seems that aph(39)-VIa has spread to several
different genotypes, including two predominant types
in Bilbao, and that spread of a single resistant strain is
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