EALTH TEAM REPORT Know your Enemy – Strongyles - Part 1
remain encysted in the intestinal wall for up to 3 years,
Certain parasites can cause severe and sometimes fatal
making it important to use a dewormer that is effective
damage to our four-legged friends, making it a very
against both adult worms and encysted larvae. If a horse
important part of equine management. It can also be one
has been heavily infected with small strongyles they can
of the most confusing. To better protect our horses we
suffer from diarrhea and even colic. It has recently been
need to understand the different parasites that can infect
discovered that small strongyles have developed a
our horses, which dewormers are affective against them,
resistance to some dewormers that have been used in
and at which part of their life cycle are they effective.
the past, this resistance is believed to have developed
from deworming horses too frequently. Small strongyles
The most common parasites affecting horses are
have shown resistance to bezimindazole as well as
strongyles and also one of the most potentially
pyrantel. Ivermectin and moxidectin are the preferred
damaging. There are over 100 different species of
drugs of choice for eliminating small strongyles but there
strongyles that can be divided into two groups; large strongyles or “bloodworms”, and small strongyles.
is concern that resistance to these two drugs could also
develop. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to
develop an effective deworming program for reducing
Horses become infected with large strongyles by grazing
on pasture contaminated with strongyle larvae. Those
larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate through
In Part 2 I'll cover some of the other parasites; tapeworm,
the blood vessels supplying the intestines. This
migration can damage those blood vessels leading to
blood clots, ruptured blood vessels and even death.
Some species of large strongyles migrate to other internal organs such as the liver or pancreas. Eventually large strongyles return to the intestines forming nodules which eventually rupture, releasing adult worms. These adult worms feed off the mucosal lining of the intestinal wall, causing ulcers and anemia. Male and female large strongyles mate and the female releases eggs into the lumen of the intestines which are shed in the horse's manure and molt into larvae. The typical life cycle of the large strongyle is approximately 6 months. Large strongyles are susceptible to ivermectin and moxidectin and are rarely seen in horses that have been dewormed on a regular basis. Because of the average 6 month life cycle of the large strongyle, it is wise to deworm horses every 6 months with a dewormer containing either ivermectin or moxidectin such as Eqvalan or Quest. Small strongyles are the most common parasites seen in horses. Heavily infested horses can have up to 2000 eggs per gram of manure. Small strongyles have a similar life cycle to large strongyles but do not migrate. Instead small strongyles burrow into the intestinal lining
forming cysts. Those encysted larvae eventually release
adult worms into the intestine. The life cycle of the small
strongyle is quite varied in length as some worms can
Jack with “his girls” India & Jessie
e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 0 ( 2 0 0 6 ) 2 1 5 – 2 1 7a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o mj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o mEditorial – referring to the article published on pp. 351–359 of this issueTreatment of Erectile Dysfunction with Chronic Dosingof TadalafilThe medical management of erectile dysfunction