Mount Grove, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 2UJ
Inspection dates Overall effectiveness This inspection: Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is a good school.
The headteacher, staff, governors and the
The teaching of reading is particularly effective
local authority have worked wel together.
and pupils achieve wel in reading across the
They have improved the quality of teaching
and the proportion of pupils who are making Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural
development is good. They work wel together
Governors ensure that pupil premium funding
in lessons and enjoy positive relationships with
is used wel to improve pupils’ achievement.
As a result, pupils supported by the funding
Pupils benefit from specialist support to help
The majority of teaching is good or better.
Pupils’ attendance is improving and they feel
learned and generally use the information
It is not yet an outstanding school because
In Years 1 and 2, targets are not challenging Teachers’ marking does not consistently inform
enough for pupils to help them make faster
pupils whether they have reached their targets
and not enough opportunities are given for
More-able pupils are not consistently
pupils to respond to teachers’ written
Information on pupils’ progress is not
Not enough opportunities are provided for
presented simply enough so that teachers,
pupils to apply their mathematical skil s across
accurately check the impact of improvements
Inspection report: Birkenhead Christchurch CofE Primary School, 22–23 January 2013 Information about this inspection
Inspectors observed 12 lessons and made two short visits to lessons. Inspectors listened to pupils read from different year groups. Inspectors took account of 22 responses to the on-line questionnaire (Parent View) and
responses to a parental questionnaire recently carried out by the school.
Meetings were held with two groups of pupils. Inspectors also held discussions with the
headteacher, the Chair and vice-chair of the Governing Body, a representative of the local
The inspectors observed the school’s work and looked at a number of documents, including the
school’s own data on pupils’ current progress, documents relating to the school’s plans for
improvement and its procedures for checking the quality of teaching, records relating to
behaviour, attendance and performance management of teachers and documents relating to
Pupils’ books were checked by inspectors.
Inspection team Inspection report: Birkenhead Christchurch CofE Primary School, 22–23 January 2013 Full report Information about this school
This is a smal er than averaged-sized primary school. Most pupils are of White British heritage. A high proportion of pupils are supported by the pupil premium, which provides additional
funding for children in local authority care, pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and
The proportion of pupils supported through school action is below average. The proportion of pupils supported at school action plus or with a statement of special
The school meets the government’s current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations
What does the school need to do to improve further?
To increase the proportion of pupils exceeding expected progress by:
− ensuring targets for pupils in Years 1 and 2 are more challenging to help bring them nearer to
age-related standards by the end of Year 2
− increasing the consistency of challenge for more-able pupils in lessons − giving time in lessons for pupils to respond to teachers’ comments, so that they can improve
− teachers linking comments in marking to whether pupils’ targets are being met or not, so that
pupils know what are the key areas that they need to improve on
− simplifying the information on pupils’ achievement so that teachers can check more quickly
and accurately the extent to which pupils are making expected, or better than expected,
− using simplified information regarding pupils’ achievement to measure and build on the
success of the actions taken by leaders and managers to move pupils on further in their
Raise achievement in mathematics by increasing the opportunities for pupils to use and develop
their mathematical skil s across different subjects.
Inspection report: Birkenhead Christchurch CofE Primary School, 22–23 January 2013 Inspection judgements The achievement of pupils
Most children enter the school with knowledge and skil s that are wel below those typically
expected for their age. They make good progress in the Nursery and Reception classes due to
While they make steady progress through Years 1 and 2, they reach standards that are below
the national average by the end of Year 2. This is because of their very low starting points but
also due to targets that are not set high enough, to encourage pupils to make faster rates of
progress. However, by the time pupils leave school at the end of Year 6, they reach standards
that are broadly in line with national averages, with English being stronger than mathematics.
Progress in Years 3 to 6 is general y good and improving strongly, particularly in reading. The
proportion of pupils who make expected and better than expected progress compares wel with
pupils who do so national y, particularly in English. However, more-able pupils do not
consistently reach higher levels because teachers do not always plan activities that stretch their
Pupils read with interest in lessons due to the range of interesting books that are available to
them. Readers at the early stages try hard to sound out words and read with growing
confidence. Phonics teaching (looking at the sounds letters make) is wel -structured and
The school demonstrates a strong commitment to ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils. For
example, pupils who are eligible for pupil premium achieve as wel , and often better than, other
pupils in the school. This is because pupils benefit from being taught in smaller classes with a
good number of adults to assist teachers.
Most disabled pupils and those with special educational needs make just as good progress as
other pupils in the school due to the careful y planned support they receive.
The quality of teaching
Teachers make it clear to pupils what they are going to learn; this helps pupils reflect on their
learning throughout, and at the end of, lessons. Teachers also regularly check around the class
on how wel pupils are doing and provide further support as needed to ensure pupils succeed.
Teachers and teaching assistants show and encourage pupils to use a wide range of words when
speaking and writing. They pay good attention to helping pupils to sound out parts of words
correctly. This helps pupils to read wel and to improve their writing.
Teachers use questioning wel to get pupils to think about accuracy in their work and the steps
involved in tackling problems. This was particularly evident in a Year 5 mathematics lesson.
Pupils successful y considered the importance of entering accurate numbers into calculators and
clearly outlined in their books the steps involved in solving complex mathematical problems
The quality of lesson planning is good across the school and is often linked to what pupils need
to improve from previous lessons. Teachers plan activities that are enjoyable and encourage
pupils to work wel together to support each other’s learning. However, the more-able pupils in
classes are not always consistently chal enged.
The marking of pupils work is generally good because pupils are informed of what they have
done wel and what they need to do to further improve in specific pieces of work. However,
pupils are not always told how wel they are doing with relation to termly targets that have been
set for them. Pupils are also not given time to respond to comments by teachers to show they
The teaching of mathematics is developing wel and is increasingly becoming a favourite subject
for many pupils. However, there are not enough opportunities for pupils to apply their
mathematical understanding across a wide range of subjects across the school to develop their
Inspection report: Birkenhead Christ Church CofE Primary School, 22–23 January 2013 The behaviour and safety of pupils
Pupils are very happy and feel safe at school and this is reflected in their improving attendance.
Most parents also agree that their children are happy and safe. Pupils show good effort in
lessons when tackling tasks and work wel on their own, in groups and with adult support.
Their good behaviour creates a positive environment for learning. Records related to pupils’
behaviour confirm that it is typically good.
Pupils behave wel during break times and with adults who do not normally teach them. They
have a good understanding of the school’s behaviour policy that is consistently applied by all
staff when giving out rewards or sanctions. Pupils readily admit that they do fall out with each
other from time to time; however, they say that bul ying is very rare.
Pupils’ show a good knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by the internet, drugs and
alcohol. This is due to the way that the school organises lessons, and makes use of outside
specialists to teach children about different types of safety.
They enjoy opportunities to lead others such as through the work of the school council but also
in lessons. For example, in a Year 4 lesson that was delivered by an external music specialist,
different pupils eagerly and confidently led others from the front of the class in different songs
and successful y encouraged pupils to join in.
Proud of raising money for charity and enjoying the good range of opportunities to develop their
knowledge about different cultures and religions, pupils’ display good spiritual, moral, social and
The leadership and management
The headteacher has steered the school wel , on the journey from satisfactory to now a good
school. This is due to her clarity of vision and through the way she supports and inspires staff to
work wel in teams and to do their best for the children. She has also worked wel alongside
other leaders in the school and with governors, to draw on the good support from the local
authority to help take the school forward.
The frequent and varied ways of checking on the quality of teaching and wel -focused training
delivered by staff within the school and externally has helped to improve the quality of teaching
and so improve the achievement of pupils. There is therefore good evidence of the schools’
ability to maintain and to further build on its improvements.
The performance of staff is managed wel and is closely linked to the government’s standards for
teachers. There is a good match between the salaries of staff and the performance of the
Overal , the school is general y accurate about its strengths and weaknesses and what it needs
to do to improve further. However, information about the progress of pupils is not always clearly
and simply presented to ensure that al staff can quickly and accurately assess whether pupils
are making expected, or better than expected, rates of progress. This means that sometimes the
school does not focus sharply or quickly enough on where further improvements are needed, or
build upon the success of improvements already made.
The local authority provides effective support in assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage
and with the teaching of mathematics. As a result, these areas are improving in the school.
The governance of the school:
− Governors of the school are very effective. They have a good handle on the quality of teaching
and have been appropriately trained on achievement data to be able to check whether pupils
are learning as best as they can. As a result, they are able to provide good support and
challenge for the school. They are knowledgeable about the performance and salary
progression of staff and make good use of external support to manage the performance of the
headteacher. Particularly effective is the wel -planned use of the pupil premium funding and
their understanding of the positive impact this has on pupils’ achievement.
Inspection report: Birkenhead Christchurch CofE Primary School, 22–23 January 2013 What inspection judgements mean School Grade Judgement Description
An outstanding school is highly effective in delivering outcomes
that provide exceptionally wel for all its pupils’ needs. This ensures
that pupils are very wel equipped for the next stage of their
A good school is effective in delivering outcomes that provide wel
for all its pupils’ needs. Pupils are wel prepared for the next stage
of their education, training or employment.
A school that requires improvement is not yet a good school, but it
is not inadequate. This school wil receive a ful inspection within
24 months from the date of this inspection.
A school that has serious weaknesses is inadequate overall and
requires significant improvement but leadership and management
are judged to be Grade 3 or better. This school wil receive regular
monitoring by Ofsted inspectors. A school that requires special measures is one where the school is
failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education and
the school’s leaders, managers or governors have not
demonstrated that they have the capacity to secure the necessary
improvement in the school. This school wil receive regular
Inspection report: Birkenhead Christchurch CofE Primary School, 22–23 January 2013 School details Unique reference number Local authority Inspection number
This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.
Type of school School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils Number of pupils on the school roll Appropriate authority Headteacher Date of previous school inspection Telephone number Fax number Email address [email protected]
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NNFD EMS Council Meeting “Our single overriding objective –prompt, compassionate, clinically excellent care.” September 20, 2013 at 9:00am – NNFD – 1885 Veterans Park Drive Final Meeting minutes Introductions were given. Christy is no longer with NNFD, Kim is filling in. Meeting is being recorded for her benefit only. Changes to the Agenda New Business– deletion of Le