Colon cancer in Chile before and after the start of the flourfortification program with folic acidSandra Hirsch, Hugo Sanchez, Cecilia Albala, Marı´a Pı´a de la Maza,Gladys Barrera, Laura Leiva and Daniel Bunout
Background Folate depletion is associated with an
ratio: 2.6, confidence interval: 99% 2.93–2.58) and
increased risk of colorectal carcinogenesis. A temporal
in the 65–79 years (rate ratio: 2.9, confidence interval: 99%
association between folic acid fortification of enriched
cereal grains and an increase in the incidence of colorectalcancer in the United States and Canada has, however, been
Conclusion Our data provide new evidence that a
folate fortification program could be associated with anadditional risk of colon cancer. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol
Aim To compare the rates of hospital discharges owing to
colon cancer in Chile before and after the start of the
mandatory flour fortification program with 220 lg ofsynthetic folic acid/100 g of wheat flour.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2008, 00:000–000
Keywords: cancer, colon, folate, fortification
Methods Cancer and cardiovascular hospital dischargerates were compared using rate ratios between two study
Aging and chronic diseases program, INTA, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
periods, 1992–1996, before folic acid fortification and2001–2004, after the flour fortification with folic acid was
Correspondence to Sandra Hirsch, MD, MSc, INTA, University of Chile, PO Box138-11, Santiago, Chile
established in the country. Standard errors of the log rate
Tel: + 56 2 9781495; fax: + 56 2 2214030;
ratio to derive confidence intervals, and to test the null
hypothesis of no difference, were calculated.
Received 13 December 2007 Accepted 29 April 2008
Results The highest rate ratio between the two periodswas for colon cancer in the group aged 45–64 years (rate
[2]. In women of reproductive age, serum folate levels
Epidemiological and experimental studies have demon-
increased from 9.7 to 37 nmol/l [3]. The possible effects
strated a relationship between the risk of colorectal
of this fortification on CRC incidence have not been
cancer (CRC) and alterations of one carbon metabolism,
which have a critical function in methylation reactionsand in DNA synthesis and repair. Folate, vitamin B12, B6,
Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the rates
riboflavin, choline, betaine, and methionine, each play
of hospital discharges because of colon cancer in Chile
important roles in this metabolism. Although folate
before and after the start of the flour fortification
depletion is associated with an increased risk of colorectal
carcinogenesis, a temporal association between folic acidfortification of enriched cereal grains and an increase inthe incidence of CRC in the United States and Canada
This is a descriptive, population-based study, analyzingcancer and cardiovascular discharge trends in the last 20
In January 2000, the Chilean government initiated a
years in Chile, comparing two periods: the period 1992–
mandatory program of folic acid fortification, with 220 mg
1996, before folic acid fortification and 2001–2004, after
of synthetic folic acid/100 g of wheat flour. This program
flour fortification with folic acid was established in the
showed a 40% reduction in the rate of neural tube defects
in 1 year. In elderly people, who consumed an average of220 g of bread/day, equivalent to 185 g of flour and
containing 410 mg folic acid (fortification), serum folate
Data were gathered from official sources of information.
levels increased from 162 to 32 nmol/l. Serum folate
The trends in cancer and cardiovascular discharges
levels reached above 40 nmol/l in 37% of these individuals
presented, are based on aggregate data sets collected
c 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
routinely by the Chilean Ministry of Health and the
were calculated. All statistical analyses were carried out
National Institute for Statistics. A form informing about
using STATA 7.0 for Windows (STATA Corporation,
the length of hospital stay, discharge diagnosis, and
condition and occurrence of nosocomial infections, mustbe completed by the treating physician for every patient
that is discharged from all public or private hospitals. A
The rates of hospital discharges before and after the start
patient cannot be discharged unless this form is
of the folate fortification program are depicted in Table 1.
completed and rendered to the hospital authorities.
In the group of participants aged 45–64 years, the rate of
The Ministry of Health collects, audits, and tabulates
hospital discharges owing to colon cancer increased by
this information that is universally available. The study
162%. The figures for breast cancer and ischemic heart
was approved by Institute of Nutrition and Food
disease were 108 and 43%, respectively. Discharges owing
to hypertensive disease decreased by 16% and thoseattributable to cerebrovascular disease and gastric cancer
did not change in the two periods. In the group of
Cancer and cardiovascular hospital discharges by age
participants aged 65–79 years, colon, breast, and gastric
group were defined according to the International
cancer discharges increased by 190, 90, and 17%,
Classification of Diseases (ICD). Discharge causes by
respectively. Discharges because of ischemic and cere-
age group, were published according to the detailed list of
brovascular diseases increased by 27 and 6%, respectively,
999 causes of the ICD, Ninth Revision (ICD-IX) [4],
and decreased by 12% owing to hypertensive diseases.
from 1992 to 1997 and according the ICD, Tenth
The highest rate ratios between the two periods were
Revision (ICD-X), since 1997 [5]. Both revisions were
observed for colon cancer in the groups of participants
rendered compatible, for the purpose of this study. Age-
aged 45–64 and 65–79 years (rate ratio: 2.6, confidence
specific discharge rates for colorectal, breast, gastric
interval: 99% 2.93–2.58 and rate ratio: 2.9, confidence
cancer, ischemic, hypertensive, and cerebrovascular dis-
interval: 99% 3.25–2.86, respectively) (Figs 1 and 2).
eases are presented as two periods (period 1: 1992–1993–1996 and period 2: 2002–2004) to stabilize rate compar-
The mortality trends for breast, colorectal, and gastric
isons. The years used corresponded to those in which the
cancer, were similar to those observed for hospital
information was complete and audited. Cancer and
discharge, but fail to reach statistical significance as
cardiovascular hospital discharge rates were compared
using rate ratios between the two periods. Mortality ratesfor breast, colorectal, and gastric cancer, in the same
period were used to validate whether the information
This study finds a temporal relationship between folate
provided by hospital discharge is a reflection of disease
supplementation and a rise in CRC hospital discharge
rate. One possible explanation for this finding is that thisincrease is causally related to folate supplementation. In
Standard errors of the log rate ratio to derive confidence
Chile, the rates of hospital discharges attributable to
intervals, and to test the null hypothesis of no difference,
colon cancer showed a rise after the start of the folic acid
Rates of hospital discharge causes by age group (per 100 000 inhabitants) before and after the start of the mandatory flour
fortification program with 220 lg of synthetic folic acid/100 g of wheat flour
CI, confidence interval; ICD, International Classification of Diseases.
Colorectal cancer and folic acid Hirsch et al.
Rate/ratio of hospital discharge because of colon cancer in adults aged
Mortality rate/ratio for colorectal, breast, and gastric cancer before and
45–64 years, before and after the start of the mandatory flour
after the start of the mandatory flour fortification program with 220 mg of
fortification program with 220 mg of synthetic folic acid/100 g of wheat
synthetic folic acid/100 g of wheat flour. Rate /ratios are expressed as
flour. Rate /ratios are expressed as the rate for each year/the rate for
the rate for each year/the rate for 1992.
tion with 1 mg of folic acid during 5 years was associatedwith a tendency to increase the risk of advanced lesions
and in adenoma multiplicity. Moreover, a higher rate of
non-CRCs, owing to an excess of prostate cancer, was
observed among participants allocated to the folic acid
group [6]. Another randomized trial of folic acid
supplementation in combination with B vitamins for
vascular disease suggested that treatment with these
vitamins increased the risk of colon cancer and did notreduce the risk of major cardiovascular events [7]. A
decreased risk of CRC among patients with low folatestatus was also reported [8].
In animal models, there are evidences that supplementa-tion with folic acid has a promoting effect on carcinogen-
esis [9], and that folate deficiency reduces the
development of CRC [10] and ileal polyps [11]. In
neoplastic cell cultures, interruption of folate metabolism
Rate/ratio of hospital discharge because of colon cancer in adults aged
generates an inhibition of tumoral cell replication, as a
65–79 years, before and after the start of the mandatory flour
result of ineffective DNA synthesis [12–14]. This is the
fortification program with 220 mg of synthetic folic acid/100 g of wheat
basis of antifolate agent used for cancer chemotherapy in
flour. Rate /ratios are expressed as the rate for each year/the rate for1992.
These results are in conflict with earlier epidemiologicalresults from cohort and case–control studies, showing an
fortification program. These results are consistent with
inverse association among colon adenomas, CRC, and
the increase in CRC incidence that occurred in Canada
plasma folate levels [15]. Most of these studies were,
and the USA, after the mandatory folic acid fortification,
however, conducted among individuals not taking multi-
recently reported by Mason et al. [1]. These evidences
vitamins or in deficient populations. In addition, there are
raise a concern that there is a temporal relationship
experimental evidences suggesting that folate deficiency
between folic acid overload and risk of CRC. In the
in normal tissues promotes the development of neoplastic
aspirin–folate polyp prevention trial, folate supplementa-
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
In our study, we also observed an increase in hospital
necessary to prevent neural tube defects and to minimize
discharge rates for breast cancer, after the start of folate
fortification, but of lesser magnitude than that of coloncancer. This increase may, however, be related to a
program for early detection of breast cancer and to the
This study was supported by FONDECYT Grant
fact that in the same period (2000) the government
started a program of integral system of healthcare (AccesoUniversal con garantı´as explicitas en salud) that guaran-teed universal access to breast cancer treatment. There-
fore, these programs may have triggered the higher
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this finding to determine the amount of folic acid
evidence. Diab Vasc Dis Res 2007; 4:143–150. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS and WILKINS JOURNAL NAME: MEG ARTICLE NO: QUERIES AND / OR REMARKS Details Required Author's Response
Anais do IX Encontro do CELSUL Palhoça, SC, out. 2010 Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina TEXTOS ARGUMENTATIVOS SOB A ÓTICA SOCIODISCURSIVA JEAN-MICHEL ADAM: PRIMEIRAS APROXIMAÇÕES ABSTRACT: The experiment conducted by Adam in the surrounding text types and textual genres are comprehensive enough to show many points of view while relating different lines of research linke
1. pericarditis – 55 M with ESRD on transplant list presenting with CP and SOB due to uremic pericarditis (BUN 140 and Cr 7.5). Note the diffuse ST segment elevation attributed to subepicardial ventricular injury and the PR segment depression attributed to subepicardial atrial injury. 2. 2:1 atrio-ventricular block with left-bundle branch block and long QT syndrome – 68 F presenti