J Lab Med 2010;34(6) 2010 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/JLM.2010.056et
Molecular genetic and cytogenetic diagnostics
Next generation sequencing in genetic diagnostics 1) Saskia Biskup *
“ variation ” , in order to do better justice to the different types of variations. There are pathogenic variants that are certain to
Praxis f ü r Humangenetik und CeGaT GmbH, T ü bingen, Germany
cause disease, but there also are variants whose signifi cance
is not explicitly clear. These include the “ probably pathogen-ic ” , the “ probably non-pathogenic ” , the “ probably benign ” ,
the “ certainly benign ” and fi nally an ever increasing group of variants of uncertain signifi cance (VUS).
The introduction of next-generation sequencing technolo-
The fi rst large catalog of genes that, when changed, are
gies in human genetic diagnostics is a challenge to many of
associated with a disease was compiled into a database
its aspects. It is mainly positive, even revolutionary, which
named OMIM (Online Inheritance In Man) by the American
will be discussed as well as its critical aspects. It used to take
human geneticist Viktor McKusick (1921 – 2008). As a con-
several months or years to complete genetic testing. This al-
sequence, he is seen as the founder of medical genetics. The
ready belongs to the past. As sequencing technologies are
data base grows larger every day and is administered by the
progressing at an extremely high speed, Germany recently
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. So far varia-
introduced the new Gen Diagnostics Law in February 2010.
tions in 10 % of all human genes could be associated with
Four common diseases with genetic contribution (demen-
known phenotypes. That is a comparatively large number
tia, Parkinson’s syndrome, epilepsy, and hereditary eye dis-
and yet does not explain the majority of genetic variability
eases) will be used to exemplify the latest development of
Genetic diagnostics is useful if it brings about consequenc-
es from a therapeutic or prophylactic perspective or eases the
Keywords: diagnostic panels; next-generation sequencing;
burden on the individual concerned and the family. The right
not to know exists at any time and this should be emphasized during genetic counseling before as well as after testing. What follows are examples from the day-to-day practice that illus-
trate why human genetics rightly sees technological progress
Genetic or molecular genetic diagnostics refers to the study
as a quantum leap for its own discipline, for the patient and
of individual genes that, when changed, most probably lead
to the manifestation of a disease or are the cause of a disease. A genetic cause must be considered especially when the af-
From exomes to diagnostic panels in human
fl icted persons are of young age. The sum total of hereditary
material in humans is stated to be approximately 3 billion DNA base pairs and codes for 20 to 30,000 genes. A change
By means of the sequencing machines available today, high-
in the hereditary material may be transmitted from generation
throughput sequencing permits the simultaneous sequencing
to generation or it may arise “ de novo ” . A distinction is made
of 100 billion basepairs within one week, i.e., the haploid
between changes in germ cells, which are hereditary, and so-
human genome with an average coverage of 30. Because
matic changes, e.g., tumor cells. In this paper, the term “ mu-
of higher accuracy and higher coverage and for reasons of
tation ” (change in the hereditary material) is replaced with
better understanding of variation it has advantages to focus on the coding regions of the human genome. This is called exome-sequencing; the exome is the totality of all coding
1)Original German online version at: http://www.reference-global.
regions in the genome. Sequencing an exome is useful if
(i) there are strong indications for a genetic disease, (ii) all
The German article was translated by Compuscript Ltd. and autho-
known genes associated with the disease at issue have been
ruled out and (iii) this approach is applied and evaluated by
*Correspondence: Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Saskia Biskup, Praxis
experts in the particular fi eld within the scope of a research
f ü r Humangenetik und CeGaT GmbH, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 17,
In contrast, a diagnostic panel is the targeted simultaneous
Tel.: + 49 7071-5654400Fax: + 49 7071-5654422
screening of a list of known genes that have already been des-
E-Mail : [email protected]
cribed as the cause of a specifi c disease. Up to now genetic
diagnostics in such cases was not only very time-consuming,
of sight as a rule progresses slowly and can take decades. The
but was frequently not performed because of high costs.
loss of sight may occur in isolation or in connection with other
A diagnostic panel clearly differs from the purely scientifi c
symptoms. There is no treatment in most cases. As of now a
and explorative approach of exome-sequencing. A diagnostic
total of more than 180 genes have been described that, when
panel is ordered by the physician. Only the genes whose con-
defective, can cause hereditary ophthalmic disease [ 1 ]. The
nection with the disease has been established are investigated.
description of this list of genes, which has grown so markedly
Finally, a fi nding is made and forwarded to the physician. This
in just the last few years, has provided the fi rst substantial
fi nding contains detailed information about detected variants
clues for understanding the pathogenesis of the disease and
that are validated through Sanger sequencing and interpreted
thus has contributed considerably to understanding the dis-
ease itself. The gene or its product is not directly suffi cient for
Using a diagnostic panel on a newest generation high-
developing any new medication, but it is the central starting
throughput sequencer makes sense only if several or very
large genes can be considered for the disease. Some examples
At present approx. 50 % of all familial ophthalmic dis-
are hereditary tumor diseases with the known breast cancer-
eases are clarifi ed genetically. Diagnosing frequently takes
causing genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 , cardiomyopathies, car-
several years and, due to the investigation of many large
diac dysrhythmias, familial hypercholesterolemias, mental
genes, is very expensive. Such considerations as well as the
retardation, epilepsies, hereditary ophthalmic diseases and
need to clarify the other 50 % have resulted in the transfer
neurodegenerative diseases. Collaboration with clinical ex-
of hereditary ophthalmic disease diagnostics to the high-
perts is indispensable when compiling the gene list of a panel
throughput sequencing arena. The Retina-All-Panel was
and also later when interpreting the data. Since gene lists can
developed in collaboration with the ophthalmic geneticists
be from two to more than one hundred genes in length, ad-
Prof. Wolfgang Berger and Dr. John Neidhardt (University
vance clinical delimitation is important. After the patient has
of Z ü rich, Institute for Medical Genetics) and Prof. Bernd
given his written consent his DNA is enriched and sequenced
Wissinger and Dr. Susanne Kohl (University of T ü bingen,
with all genes contained in the gene list. The clinical expres-
Molecular Genetic Laboratory of the Eye Clinic). It contains
sion of the disease then determines the sequence of the genes
all presently known genes with a connection to hereditary
ophthalmic disease. Sequencing this large panel of genes
Before a diagnostic panel can be offered commercially
takes about one to two weeks. Detected variants are issued
for diagnostic purposes it must fi rst be validated. Within
in a list, classifi ed according to their importance (pathogen-
the framework of such validation patients whose variations
ic, benign or VUS) and then verifi ed via the Sanger method.
are already known are “ post ” -sequenced on the new panel.
Finally, the results are evaluated, summarized and interpret-
This requires that 100 % of the known variations are found
ed. Altogether the diagnosis at this time requires no more
by means of the panel. Furthermore, the enrichment of the
genomic regions must be effi cient, specifi c and reproduc-
A simultaneous study of more than 180 genes does not
ible. Only then can a diagnostic panel be used for a clinical
make sense from a clinical point of view. The list of genes
can be divided into smaller groups for the ophthalmic ge-
But is it then actually useful? We shall closer examine
neticist and clinician. This allows for the simultaneous study
this question with the help of three examples. Detlef Boehm
of 26 genes in a case of autosomal dominant pigmentary
(CeGaT GmbH), a pioneer in establishing new methods in
retinopathy, of 28 genes in the case of autosomal recessive
human genetic diagnostics [ 2 ] and the Practice for Human
pigmentary retinopathy, of 10 genes in the case of Usher ’ s
bingen together with clinical partners and
syndrome, 11 genes in the case of congenital stationary
with Applied Biosystems/Life Technologies have put special
blindness, 14, 9 or 5 genes, respectively in cases of Bardet-
emphasis on hereditary ophthalmic diseases, epilepsies and
Biedl, Joubert or Refsum syndrome. A current and compre-
neurodegenerative diseases when developing diagnostic pan-
hensive article on this subject provides more information on
els. The aim here is to clarify the genetic cause in affected
the subdivision of ophthalmic diseases and a description of
families and thereby to (i) secure a clinical diagnosis, (ii) be
able to offer a targeted examination of other family mem-
Research in the fi eld of hereditary ophthalmic diseases
bers, (iii) make possible an early therapeutic intervention,
also gains substantially from the Retina-All-Panel. With
(iv) provide a prognostic assessment of the course of the dis-
the use of the Retina-All-Panel many more patients carry-
ease and (v) provide the basis for new therapeutic methods
ing a pathogenic variant in one of the candidate genes are
being identifi ed. Hence, the pool of individuals affected by a certain variant is growing worldwide and the clinical obser-vation of the course of the disease in these patients allows
Diagnostic panel and hereditary ophthalmic
better classifi cation and prognosis assessment in additional
patients with the same variant. In the future, it would also be useful from a therapeutic perspective to group patients based
Worldwide hereditary ophthalmic diseases affect several mil-
on their genetic background when testing new medications,
lion people. The disease usually starts during adolescence and
in order to better interpret positive effects as well as side
initially often appears as night blindness. Thereafter the loss
Next generation sequencing also has an additional scien-
Diagnostics panel and Parkinson ’ s disease and
tifi c aspect. From a purely technological standpoint it makes
no difference whether two, one hundred or several thousand patient genes are enriched and sequenced. With a clear diag-
Parkinson ’ s disease together with Alzheimer ’ s disease is one
nostic objective this would be senseless, since data are gener-
of the most frequently occurring neurodegenerative diseases
ated whose required evaluation and validation is diffi cult and
worldwide. Both diseases most often occur sporadically and
very time-consuming. The situation is different with a family
as a rule manifest themselves in individuals above 65 years
where no genetic cause can be found in the known genes. This
of age. With a steadily rising life expectancy Parkinson ’ s and
presents a possibility that genes as yet not associated with the
Alzheimer ’ s represent one of the greatest medical and socio-
disease could be studied for the fi rst time and named as the
economic challenges of the future. In most cases the cause of
new cause for the disease. In the case of ophthalmic diseases
the death of nerve cells remains a mystery. At the present time
candidate genes are genes that have an important function in
it is impossible to predict whether and when an individual
the eye but that have not yet been studied in the patients. They
will be affected by the breakdown of nerve cells. Once symp-
are candidates for the cause of ophthalmic disease. This is
toms occur, however, the majority of affected nerve cells have
where the enormous potential of next generation sequencing,
already died. Hence, current treatment concepts have little or
that would further advance the knowledge about the causes of
no effect, since the time of intervention is years too late. A
hereditary ophthalmic diseases, is to be found.
molecular genetic examination does not immediately offer itself. Why would an individual want to know whether he or she has a predisposition for a neurodegenerative disease as
Diagnostic panel and epilepsy
long as no therapies are available? Genetic causes for both Parkinson ’ s and Alzheimer ’ s have been described for slightly
Epilepsies affect 1 % to 3 % of the population in the course of
more than 10 years. These genetic studies have made impor-
a lifetime. The various expressions of the disease are differ-
tant contributions to understanding the breakdown of nerve
entiated depending on age and the form of progression. A
cells. Intensive research is being done on the gene products
genetic cause is probable if a symptomatic cause from brain
in order to speed up new and innovative therapy concepts.
damage, from a tumor, an infection or a metabolic disturbance
The identifi cation of mutated genes has for the fi rst time made
can be ruled out. Large families with frequently occurring ep-
it possible to describe biomarkers, in this case “ genetic bio-
ileptic disease have contributed to the identifi cation of genes
markers ” , that can predict the occurrence of the disease at a
and crucially also to the clarifi cation of the pathogenesis of
future point in time with a high degree of probability. This
the disease. Identifi ed genes include above all voltage-de-
allows us to defi ne a group of individuals who could get ac-
pendent ion channels and the receptors of neurotransmitters.
cess to therapies decades before any manifestation of disease.
Conceptually a change in the neural transmission of nerve
Even though at present such therapies are not yet available,
cell to nerve cell, caused by defective ion channels or neu-
it seems safe to say that the changed gene products will most
rotransmitter receptors, fi ts the cause of a convulsive disorder.
probably represent the points of action for the therapies of
Specifi c therapies, e.g., the targeted attack of a medication
on a defective sodium channel (valproic acid, carbamaze-
The key to the changed genes were families in which de-
pine, oxcarbazepine and phenytoin) or on a defective receptor
mentia or Parkinson ’ s disease occurred with great frequency.
(GABA receptor, phenobarbital), provide effi cient treatment
In the case of Parkinson ’ s disease 16 gene locations for fa-
of a patient. The main goal therefore is the molecular ge-
milial autosomal recessive and dominant forms have so far
netic discovery of the cause in as many cases as possible, in
been described in the hereditary [ 3 , 4 ]. Since only a small
order to create a specifi c individual treatment of the disease.
part of approx. 5 % of familial cases can currently be geneti-
Numerous genes that have been described as the cause for the
cally clarifi ed, the expectation is that the list of genes causing
various forms of familial epilepsy also are possible candidate
Parkinson ’ s disease will grow. The greater part of the knowl-
genes for non-familial cases. Since ion channel genes in par-
edge we possess today about the pathogenesis of Parkinson ’ s
ticular represent especially large genes, the development of a
disease derives from those genes that have been described in
diagnostics panel for high throughput screening seemed the
connection with the disease. The gene therefore is the fi rst
obvious choice. An epilepsy panel for clinical use was devel-
clue concerning the location of the malfunction within the
oped by Dr. Johannes Lemke, University of Bern together with
diseased cell. Like pieces of a puzzle other genes will add to
the groups around Prof. Holger Lerche and Prof. Ingeborg
the complex picture of neurodegenerative diseases and – it is
Kr ä geloh-Mann (Neurologic and Pediatric University Clinic,
hoped – allow a further crucial step in our understanding of
T ü bingen) in collaboration with CeGaT GmbH. At present
the list of genes for purely diagnostic objectives consists of
55 genes and has been clinically subdivided into generalized/
genes in the case of Parkinson ’ s disease, 19 genes in the
myoclonic epilepsies including febrile seizures and absences
case of dementia. The panel was created together with Prof.
(a total of 24 genes), epileptic encephalopathies (a total of 8
Thomas Gasser (Neurology and Hertie-Institute for Clinical
genes) and syndromal diseases with epilepsy (a total of 23
Brain Research, University of T ü bingen). The list of genes
genes). The panel contains another 450 candidate genes that
will grow rapidly, not least due to the possibility of examin-
are being studied for research purposes.
ing families affected by the disease for changes in the total
genome through a method free of hypotheses and within the
caused diseases, but also will establish genetic diagnostics
as a quick, effi cient, cost-effective and useful method in the
As with a purely diagnostic objective and within the frame-
minds of the individuals seeking counseling, of affected indi-
work of the genetic diagnostics law the individual seeking
viduals, of physicians and scientists. In this regard the diag-
advice should also be informed concerning the research ob-
nostic panels are a step in the right direction.
jective. Most particularly this includes information on the possible handling of incidental fi ndings with relevance for all family members, the possible destruction of the probe after
the examination is completed, the anonymization and use of the probe for further studies, and the right not to know at any
Next-generation sequencing stands for high-throughput se-
quencing and allows sequencing of up to 100 billion bases within days. A complete human genome can be sequenced with an average coverage of 30 (i.e., each base is read 30
Outlook and open questions
times). Various technology platforms for high-throughput sequencing are commercially available; the main suppli-
From the perspective of human genetics the quick and cost
ers include Roche, Illumina and Applied Biosystems/Life
effi cient sequencing of several thousand human genes within
Technologies. While the Roche platform achieves the com-
a few days is revolutionary. Also revolutionary is the prospect
paratively lowest throughput of 400 million bases per run,
of personalized medicine in which each single human and
it offers advantages in regard to the length of the sequenced
each single tumor can be sequenced. It is hoped that with this
fragments (approx. 400 bases). Illumina and Applied
knowledge diseases might someday be treated individually,
Biosystems/Life Technologies with up to 100 billion bases
i.e., much more targeted than today. Each human is unique,
achieve far higher throughputs, but with a shorter read length
each tumor is unique, each disease with its individual genetic
(50 to 100 base pairs). Since all three platforms are based
background is unique. Medications therefore have different
on different sequencing strategies, which we cannot go into
effects in different people. A changed gene is an essential key
here, each of them is also suited for different objectives.
for understanding a disease. Even if individualized therapy,
e.g., with neurodegenerative diseases, lies in the distant fu-
Biosystems/Life Technologies on its SOLiD platform deli-
ture, the foundation for the therapies of the future is being laid
vers the highest throughput with by far the lowest error rate.
now. For some time tumor genetics has made targeted therapy
This is of great importance for diagnostic applications, since
partially possible, other diseases have followed and more will
all variants found in high-throughput sequencing are verifi ed
follow. With all the euphoria that genetics has been experi-
conventionally, i.e., via the Sanger method, and the lower
encing for some time it must be remembered that the results
the initial error rate the more feasible and safe it will be to
of high-throughput sequencing bring up questions that cannot
introduce high-throughput sequencing into the human gene-
be answered at this time. This includes the identifi cation of as
yet unknown variants in the genome of individuals, variants
The process of high-throughput sequencing is as follows. A
of uncertain signifi cance (VUS). Add to this that, in spite of
patient ’ s genomic DNA is obtained from blood or tissue, frag-
high-throughput sequencing, in many cases the cause of a dis-
mented randomly by sonication and subsequently equipped
ease cannot be found, be it that no genetic cause exists or that
with adaptors. The fragments to be sequenced are fi shed out
the cause lies in the non-examined regions of the genome,
with complementary RNA baits that are linked to magnetic
or that it is the synergy of several changed genes with the
beads (SureSelect Method by Agilent). The enriched DNA is
environment that results in the disease, or that changed gene
fi nally amplifi ed. This is called targeted enrichment. Here as
products (RNA or proteins) are the actual cause of the disease.
well different technologies are available in the marketplace
but cannot be discussed in any detail in this paper. The meth-
screening method. Hereditary material is illuminated and it
od used to perform a large number of amplifi cations in paral-
can happen that variations are found that are characterized
lel is called EmulsionPCR. This EmulsionPCR is a special
as incidental fi ndings. Dealing with incidental fi ndings, par-
kind of PCR that takes place on beads in an aqueous drop-
ticularly if they have serious consequences for the patient, is
lets separated by an oil phase. These beads, equipped with
a considerable challenge for the physician and the individual
several ten thousands of universal PCR-primer molecules,
seeking counseling. As with the fi ndings of variants of un-
are magnetic and can later on separated by magnetic forces.
certain signifi cance the patient must be informed about this
The enriched DNA is bound via its attached adaptors to the
issue in advance. The result of a genetic examination should
primers on the beads. One DNA fragment is then multiplied
be conveyed within the framework of a consultation. The law
by means of PCR in one bead per aqueous droplet at a time.
on gene diagnostics, in force since February 2010, established
The newly formed fragments bind to additional primers on
guidelines for the performance of genetic diagnostics that can
the same bead. Following breaking the emulsion, those beads,
also be directly applied to high-throughput diagnostics.
on which a PCR has successfully occurred, are cross-linked
It is hoped that high-throughput diagnostics will arrive in
by polystyrene beads and separated through centrifugation
many laboratories and as a consequence will not only con-
based on their size and weight of the cross-linked beads when
tribute to markedly higher clarifi cation quotas of genetically
compared to those to which nothing has bound. Then about
700 million beads are deposited on a slide, which in turn is
sequence coded by the color. The automatic comparison with
clamped into the high-throughput sequencer.
the reference sequence converted into color space, in this
Sequencing occurs through detection of light signals that
case the human genome, takes place in Step 2. The individ-
are given off by hybridizing octamers (8 nucleotides with
ual 50 color space base pair long fragments are compared to
one specifi c fl uorescence signals). The octamers contain two
the reference sequence and the color spaces are displayed by
nucleotides that code a color space and gives off one of four
side-by-side (alignment). This two base pair encoding of the
fl uorescent signals immediately after binding, which are pho-
SOLiD system allows the quick and easy recognition of mis-
tographed by a digital camera with a CCD sensor. The color
calls and the clear differentiation between miscalls and actual
signals are then separated and a further binding cycle can be
sequence variations. All true deviations from the reference
initiated until approx. 50 nucleotides can be converted in a
sequence are transmitted and verifi ed via Sanger sequencing.
series of color signals, whereby one color always corresponds
The last and most diffi cult step involves the interpretation of
to two nucleotides. The staggered multi-step read of the origi-
nal sequence ensures that each base is read at least twice and variations can be identifi ed reliably. This results in the special reliability of the SOLiD system by Applied Biosystems/Life
Technologies in regard to the interpretation of the data. At the end of the analysis the color signals are converted back into
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Pre-authorisation Evaluation of Medicines for Human Use Document Date: London, 9 February 2009 COMMITTEE FOR ORPHAN MEDICINAL PRODUCTS PUBLIC SUMMARY OF POSITIVE OPINION FOR ORPHAN DESIGNATION ibuprofen for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus On 14 February 2001, orphan designation (EU/3/01/020) was granted by the European Commission to Orphan Europe, Franc