Journal of Human Hypertension (2005) 19, S9–S14& 2005 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0950-9240/05 $30.00
Further evidence for low-dosecombinations in patients with leftventricular hypertrophy
B Dahlo¨fDepartment of Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital/O¨stra, Go¨teborg, Sweden
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a powerful inde-
nation produced a significantly greater change in left
pendent risk predictor for cardiovascular disease and
ventricular mass after 1 year than the b-blocker, despite
reversal of LVH has become a primary goal of anti-
inducing a similar change in mean blood pressure.
hypertensive management. Recent evidence has con-
Additionally, perindopril/indapamide reduced central
firmed that most hypertensive patients will benefit from
(carotid) and peripheral (brachial) systolic blood pres-
a low-dose combination strategy to manage their
sure (SBP) and pulse pressure (PP) to a significantly
hypertension, and two trials have recently examined
greater extent than b-blocker, and these benefits were
the effect of this strategy on left ventricular mass. The
more pronounced for the central values; LVH is affected
REASON study (pREterax in regression of Arterial
more by central rather than peripheral haemodynamic
Stiffness in a contrOlled double-bliNd study) compared
changes. Results of the analysis of the PICXEL study
the low-dose combination of an angiotensin-converting
showed a significantly greater decrease in LVH para-
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and a diuretic with b-blocker
meters and blood pressure over 1 year in favour of the
monotherapy in hypertensive patients with LVH, and the
low-dose combination. This reduction cannot be entirely
PICXEL study (Preterax In a double-blind Controlled
explained by the better efficacy of the low-dose
study versus Enalapril in LVH) compared the same low-
combination on blood pressure reduction.
dose combination with ACE inhibitor monotherapy in
Journal of Human Hypertension (2005) 19, S9–S14.
hypertensive patients with echocardiographic LVH. The
REASON study demonstrated that the low-dose combi-
Keywords: left ventricular hypertrophy; antihypertensive drug treatment; fixed low-dose combination
Clinical trials conducted in the past few years
indicate that various antihypertensive agents pro-
It is now well recognised that it is essential to
duce regression of LVH, and thereby improve the
manage and prevent cardiovascular target-organ
prognosis.7,8 A meta-analysis showed that, for the
damage in the treatment of hypertension in order
same reduction in blood pressure (BP), left ventri-
to avoid the emergence of cardiovascular complica-
cular mass (LVM) regression is more pronounced
tions.1–3 Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a
with blocking of the renin–angiotensin system than
powerful independent risk predictor for cardiovas-
with other antihypertensive therapeutic princi-
cular disease. Hence, LVH has strong links with
ples.9,10 Furthermore, much evidence has been
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients
accumulated to warrant greater attention being paid
to the importance of increased systolic blood
More importantly, regression of LVH has been
pressure (SBP) as a major risk factor for increased
demonstrated to substantially reduce the risk for
LVM, increased pulse pressure (PP), and arterial
cardiovascular events.4–7 Thus, targeting LVH has
become an important goal of antihypertensive
Unfortunately, normalisation of BP rarely occurs
management, and all current guidelines are con-
when the treatment involves administration of
gruent in that the presence of LVH should lead to
monotherapy. Recent evidence has shown that most
patients will benefit from combination of drugs fromdifferent antihypertensive classes, rather than titra-tion of monotherapy.1 Moreover, there are physio-
Correspondence: Professor B Dahlo¨f, Department of Medicine,
logical reasons for the better performance of a
combination strategy.11 Indeed, the first-line, low-
dose combination of the ACE inhibitor perindopril
(2 mg) and indapamide (0.625 mg) was shown to
have a favourable efficacy/safety ratio12 and better
antihypertensive efficacy than monotherapy with
enalapril,13 losartan,14 and irbesartan.15
Perindopril /
This therapeutic strategy of a fixed-dose combina-
indapamide Atenolol
tion was assessed in hypertensive patients in the
REASON study (pREterax in regression of Arterial
Stiffness in a contrOlled double-bliNd study) com-pared with b-blocker monotherapy16–20 and, more
recently, in the PICXEL study (Preterax In a double-
blind Controlled study versus Enalapril in LVH)
in hypertensive patients with LVH compared with
ACE-inhibitor monotherapy.21 After the echocardio-
Figure 1 The study population in REASON. Per/Ind, low-dose
graphic substudy of LIFE (Losartan Intervention For
combination of perindopril (2 mg) and indapamide (0.625 mg);
End point reduction in hypertension),7 PICXEL is
the largest study on regression of LVH, and the firstto compare a combination regimen with monother-apy using an antihypertensive class generallyconsidered to be one of the most effective in the
In the whole population, after 12 months of
treatment, the low-dose combination of perindopril(2 mg) and indapamide (0.625 mg) induced signifi-cantly
(À6.271.5 mmHg) and brachial PP (À5.571.0 mmHg)
(Table 1).17 This finding, which is more significant
in the central than in the brachial artery, wasconfirmed in both the intention-to-treat (ITT) and
The REASON trial is an international, multicentre,
randomised, double-blind investigation with twoparallel groups.16–20 This trial compared the anti-hypertensive effects of the low-dose combination ofperindopril (2 mg) and indapamide (0.625 mg) with
the b-blocker atenolol (50 mg). It was conducted
in patients aged 18–84 years with sustained mild-to-moderate essential hypertension, defined as SBP
A substudy of the REASON trial18 was conducted to
determine whether LVM changes were significantly
blood pressure (DBP) X95 mmHg and o110 mmHg.
related to treatment with the low-dose combination
of perindopril/indapamide or atenolol, and whether
determine whether the low-dose perindopril/inda-
the changes in LVM were linked to brachial or
pamide combination decreased SBP and PP more
than atenolol and, if so, whether this decrease was
To address these questions, only data from
predominantly caused by reducing aortic pulse
patients not withdrawn from the global therapeutic
wave velocity (PWV) (measured automatically) and
protocol (n ¼ 469) and having complete haemody-
wave reflections (determined on the basis of pulse
namic measures at both baseline and 12 months
wave analysis and applanation tonometry).
Following the wash-out placebo period, 469
The results of this study have shown that the low-
patients were randomised to receive a 1-year period
dose combination of perindopril/indapamide pro-
of treatment with either the low-dose combination
duces a significantly greater change in LVM than the
of perindopril (2 mg) and indapamide (0.625 mg)
standard comparator atenolol, despite inducing a
(n ¼ 235) or atenolol (50 mg) (n ¼ 234). The dosage
similar change in mean BP (Tables 2 and 3).18 After
could be doubled after 3 months if SBP and/or DBP
12 months, LVM and left ventricular mass index
continued to exceed 160 mmHg and 90 mmHg,
(LVMI) were significantly lower in the patients
respectively. In all, 78% of patients completed the
receiving perindopril/indapamide than in the pa-
12-month period of treatment. Cardiac output and
tients receiving atenolol (P ¼ 0.0125 and 0.0121,
total peripheral resistance were also measured at
respectively). The consistent differential effect on
M0 and M12 using standard echocardiographic
LVH is associated with an improvement in large
artery function involving central wave reflections,
The key results of the REASON trial have already
been published, as have the results of several
change in central SBP and PP. In summary, the
ancillary studies.16–20 Figure 1 displays the various
REASON study demonstrated that LVM lowering
was more significant with the low-dose combination
Table 1 REASON: changes in brachial BP, carotid BP and augmentation index17
Values are mean7s.d. Per/Ind, perindopril–indapamide combination; CI, confidence interval; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic bloodpressure; PP, pulse pressure; M0, M12, months 0 and 12 (end) of study; D(End-M0), change from baseline. aAdjusted for age, sex and baseline. yFisher’s test (ANCOVA).
Table 2 REASON: baseline (M0) parameters (mean7s.d.) and dose adjustment during the study in the LVM-only and LVM+tonometrypopulations18
LVM, left ventricular mass; Per/Ind, perindopril and indapamide; M/F, male/female; anti-HT, antihypertensive; BMI, body mass index; SBP,systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MBP, mean blood pressure; PP, pulse pressure.
with atenolol, and that the intergroup difference
in LVM was statistically linked to central, notbrachial PP.
The PICXEL study was a multicentre, randomised,
The mechanisms of SBP reduction with atenolol
double-blind, controlled study in hypertensive
differ substantially from those of the perindopril/
patients with echocardiographically determined
indapamide combination. Atenolol reduction is
LVMI4100 g/m2 in women and LVMI4120 g/m2 in
essentially based on mean BP reduction, while
men in nine different countries.22 Its main objective
perindopril/indapamide induces changes in arterial
was to specifically compare LVH reduction in
stiffness of conduit arteries and wave reflections.19
hypertensive patients treated with either a fixed
Table 3 REASON: LVM and LVMI (adjusted mean7s.e.) in the LVM-only population (n ¼ 146) at M0 and M12 (adjustments include ageand previous antihypertensive therapy)18
BMI, body mass index; Per/Ind, perindopril and indapamide; d, change between M0 (baseline) and M12 (end of follow-up) (%); LVMI, leftventricular mass index. *Significant.
Table 4 The PICXEL study: changes in BP and LVH, comparison between the two treatments21
Within group difference: *Po0.01, **Po0.001. LVM, left ventricular mass; Per/Ind, perindopril and indapamide; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; PWTd, posteriorwall thickness; IVSTd, interventricular septum thickness; LVID, left ventricular internal dimension.
combination strategy or monotherapy with an
pared with enalapril was demonstrated as shown in
established antihypertensive agent. Following a 4-
Table 4. This reduction cannot be entirely explained
week placebo period, patients received either the
by the better efficacy of the low-dose combination
combination of perindopril (2 mg) and indapamide
on BP reduction alone. After adjustment for the
(0.625 mg) or enalapril (10 mg) for 52 weeks, with
greater BP reduction, age, gender and baseline value,
the possibility of doubling the dose twice (to
the LVMI reduction with perindopril/indapamide
perindopril 8 mg and indapamide 2.5 mg or enala-
remained significantly superior. The full results of
pril 40 mg) to achieve BP control of 140/90 mmHg. A
the PICXEL study will be available in 2005.
Central Echocardiography Committee, blinded tovisit sequence, patient, and treatment, assessed theLVM in a final reading.
The choice of an ACE inhibitor as a comparator
was supported by the results of the meta-analysis
The REASON study compared the antihypertensive
of double-blind trials measuring the effects of
effect of two antihypertensive first-line treatment
antihypertensive therapy on LVM.10 This analysis
strategies, the fixed combination of perindopril and
demonstrated a significant difference among the
indapamide vs monotherapy with atenolol. After
main medication classes (P ¼ 0.004). A À10% mass
1 year’s treatment, the two regimens resulted in
decrease in LVMI was recorded with ACE inhibitor.
similar reductions in mean BP and SBP. However,
In all, 556 hypertensive patients (47% men), with
perindopril/indapamide reduced central (carotid)
a mean age of 55 years, with SBP 164.4714.5 mmHg
and peripheral (brachial) SBP and PP to a signifi-
and DBP 98.678.5 mmHg as well as confirmed LVH
cantly greater extent than atenolol, and these
at the central reading (LVMI ¼ 143.5728.7 g/m2)
benefits were expressed for central SBP and PP. It
were evaluated. Both treatment groups were com-
is well-known that LVM is affected more by central
rather than peripheral haemodynamic changes, and
According to the intention-to-treat analysis, a
the more pronounced effects of perindopril/indapa-
significantly higher decrease in LVH parameters
mide on central SBP and PP lowering could explain
and BP over 1 year in favour of the low-dose
the greater effect of the combination on LVM
combination of perindopril and indapamide com-
The results of this study are particularly impor-
4 Verdecchia P et al. Prevalent influence of systolic over
tant as the study design complies with criteria for
pulse pressure on left ventricular mass in essential
informative trials on LVM reduction, that is, REA-
hypertension. Eur Heart J 2002; 23: 658–665.
SON has a sufficient number of patients, a repre-
5 Levy D et al. Prognostic implications of echocardio-
sentative population, a long duration (12 months),
graphically determined left ventricular mass in theFramingham Heart Study. N Engl J Med 1990; 322:
double-blind randomisation, and blinded central
6 Devereux RB et al. Regression of left ventricular
The PICXEL study further substantiates the results
hypertrophy as a surrogate end-point for morbid events
of REASON by demonstrating that, over 1 year of
in hypertension treatment trials. J Hypertens Suppl
treatment, the clinical benefits of the fixed combina-
tion of perindopril/indapamide occur via significant
7 Devereux RB et al. Prognostic significance of left
reductions in BP and LVH, compared with enalapril
ventricular mass change during treatment of hyperten-
There are physiological reasons for the better
8 Gosse P et al. Regression of left ventricular hypertro-
performance of a combination strategy. The ideal
phy in hypertensive patients treated with indapamideSR 1.5 mg versus enalapril 20 mg: The LIVE study.
combination therapy should address counter-regu-
latory mechanisms, which can limit the efficacy of
9 Klingbeil AU et al. A meta-analysis of the effects of
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