b r i e f i n g s Brain Briefings Explain How REcEnt advancEs in Basic nEuRosciEncE REsEaRcH aRE lEading to clinical applications
Post-traumatic stress DisorDer
With a new generation of U.S. soldiers coming
home after prolonged exposure to combat-related
stress or trauma, understanding and treating
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has taken
on an increased sense of urgency. One large study
found that almost 20 percent of returning military
personnel who served in Iraq or Afghanistan
report symptoms of PTSD or major depression.
But soldiers aren’t the only Americans at risk
for this debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder.
According to the National Institute of Mental
Patients with PtsD have heighteneD levels of
Health, about 3.5 percent of American adults (7.7
norePinePhrine, a chemical involveD in arousal
million individuals) struggle with PTSD during
anD stress. high levels of this chemical strengthen the emotional reactions of the amygDala, a
Unfortunately, current drug and behavioral
brain region involveD in the fear resPonse, while weakening the rational functions of the
treatments for PTSD are often unable to reduce
Prefrontal cortex, which normally allows us
or eliminate symptoms that include intrusive
to suPPress troubling memories anD thoughts.
memories, emotional numbness, and insomnia.
research shows that a Drug calleD D-cycloserine,
In recent years, however, scientists have begun to
when useD in combination with behavioral theraPy,
piece together some of the neurobiological puzzles
aPPears to enhance the fear extinction Process.
behind this complex disorder, offering new hope
to its sufferers. Such research is leading to:
The identity of the genes involved in PTSD
∫ Greater knowledge of how psychological trauma
susceptibility remains a mystery, although
alters brain structure and function.
one likely candidate is a gene called FKBP5.
∫ A deeper understanding of who is susceptible
The protein produced by this gene helps stress
hormones bind with their receptors on brain
∫ More effective treatments for PTSD and related
cells and, thus, helps regulate the brain’s response
mental health disorders, such as depression and
to stress. A study of adults who experienced
childhood abuse found that those with certain
One of the major unanswered questions about
genetic variations in this stress-related gene
PTSD involves susceptibility. Not everybody
were significantly more likely to have PTSD
who experiences psychological and/or physical
symptoms than adults who were abused but
trauma develops the disorder. Research now
suggests that at least some of the risk for PTSD is
Children may inherit some PTSD risk factors
genetic—perhaps as much as 40 percent, according
from their parents. For example, the infant
to a multigenerational study of survivors of a
children of mothers who contracted the disorder
devastating 1988 Armenian earthquake.
after directly experiencing the September 11,
2001, World Trade Center attacks were found
a brain region involved in the fear response, can
core concePt
to have lower-than-average levels of the stress
become hyperactive in PTSD combat veterans in
hormone cortisol circulating in their bodies, a
some conditions. This finding may explain why
factor associated with PTSD. The adult children of
people with PTSD have an inability to learn how
mothers who developed PTSD after surviving the
to forget the intense emotions that accompanied
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their initial trauma. Scientists have identified
Many years ago, scientists noticed that people
certain clusters of amygdala cells—known as
with PTSD tended to have a smaller-than-average
intercalated neurons—that appear to be essential
hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with
to this forgetting. Drugs that target these cells
memory. For example, some Vietnam War combat
veterans with PTSD have smaller hippocampi
One such promising drug is D-cycloserine,
than veterans without the symptoms. Is a change
an antibiotic that is also used experimentally to
in hippocampal size brought about by stress or
treat fear of heights. When used in combination
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a preexisting risk factor? A recent study revealed
with behavioral therapy, D-cycloserine appears to
that both Vietnam veterans with PTSD and their
enhance the fear extinction process. Another drug,
non-combat identical twin brothers had small
the beta-blocker propranolol, has shown some
hippocampi. But only the PTSD veterans exhibited
evidence of being able to prevent the development
Past issues
changes in another brain area (the rostral anterior
of certain PTSD features when administered
cingulate cortex) active in inhibiting the fear
response. This finding shows how hereditary
Traumatic stress cannot always be avoided. But
factors and experience (the stress of a traumatic
research is pointing to new and more effective ways
event) share in the development of PTSD.
of helping individuals successfully prevent or break
copyrigHt 2009 society for NeuroscieNce
Other research has found that the amygdala,
the disabling cycle of recurring PTSD symptoms. nonProfit org. us Postage PaiD Permit no. 161 harrisonburg, Va Post-traumatic stress DisorDer
Informe Operativo Alimentario para el Impenetrable Chaqueño Este informe corresponde al día 6 de septiembre de 2008, cuarto día de trabajo de la cuarta campaña del Operativo Alimentario para El Impenetrable Chaqueño a cargo del periodista Manuel Edgardo Bordón, con base en Misión Nueva Pompeya. En el día de la fecha se realizaron las actividades en el pueblo Wichi el Pintado.
Cite this article as: BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38282.607859.AE (published 29 November 2004) United Kingdom back pain exercise and manipulation (UK BEAM) randomised trial: cost effectiveness of physical treatments for back pain in primary care UK BEAM Trial Team Full authorship details are given in the accompanying paper (doi: 10.1136/bmj.38282.669225.AE). Abstract poorer outcomes than those r