Pharmacokinetic parameters of Gtfx after oral administration in dogs( n = 4)
Concentration - time curves of Gtfx after oral administration in
dogs serum( n = 4)
Perry CM , Balfour JAB , Lamb HM. Catifloxacin[J ] . Drugs ,1999 ,58 Stahlberg HJ , Cohler K , Cuillane M , et al . Effeets of gatifloxacin me2 sylate ( GTFX) on the pharmacokinetics of theophyline in heathly young volunteers [J ] . Antimierob Agents Chemther ,1999 ,44 (sup A) :136 1994-2007 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. Therapeutic effects of Erigeron breviscapus on cerebralvascular spasm after subarachnoid hemor2
rhage of SD rats
DONG Ling - lin1 , LUO Zu - ming2 , YANG Xu - hong2 (1. Department of Neurology , Sichuan Provincial People s Hospital , Chengdu 610072 , China ;2. Department of Neurology , West China Hospi2 tal , Sichuan University , Chengdu 610041 , China) Abstract : OBJECTIVE
To explore therapeutic effects of Erigeron breviscapus and mechanisms of cerebral vascular spasm(CVS) after exper2 imental Subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) . METHODS
Forty - eight SD rats were divided randomly into four groups : control group ,cerebral vasospasm group , Erigeron breviscapus group and Nimotip group . Experimental SAH in SD rats was made by injecting blood for two times. Basi2 lar artery diameter changes were monitored by stereotype microscopy. The levels of ET - 1 in plasm and NO in serum were measured by ra2 dioimmunoassay ,enzymology ,respectively at different times. RESUL TS
Compared with cerebral vasospasms group ,basilar artery diameters in Erigeron breviscapus group dilated significently( P < 0. 01) . The levels of ET - 1 in plasma were increased ,yet NO were decreased in cerebral vasospasm group compared with control group ( P < 0. 01) . In Erigeron breviscapus group ,the levels of ET - 1 were decreased and NO in2 creased compared with cerebral vasospasm( P < 0. 01) . CONCL USION
Eigeron breviscapus can inhibit increase of ET - 1 and decrease of NO to prevent and treat CVS following SAH.
Key words : Erigeron breviscapus ;Subarachnoid hemorrhage ;Cerebrovascular spasm ;Basilary artery ; ET - 1 ;NO
CLC number :R965
Document code :A
Article ID :1006 - 0103 (2006) 01 - 0035 - 03
Comparision of basilar artery diameter among groups( x
Compared with pre - operation and control group : 3 P < 0. 1 ;compared with P < 0101 ;compared with Nimotip group : 1994-2007 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 10 - 5 g ml - 1 , x
Comparision of the ET - 1 in plasma(
10 - 5 g ml - 1 , x
Compared with control group : 3 P < 0101 ;compared with SAH model group : ( mol L - 1 , x
Comparision of the NO in Serum( mol L - 1 , x
Compared with control group : 3 P < 0101 ;compared with SAH model group : Kelm M , Feelisch M , Spahr R , et al . Quantitative and kinetic char2 acterization of nitric Oxide and EDRF released from cultured endothe2 lial ceels[J ] . Biochem Biophys Res Commun ,1998 ,154 :236 Liszczak TM. Cerebrallarterinal constrinetion after experimental sub2 arachnoid hemorrhage is assoiciated with blood componertsnith in the artorial wall [J ] . J Neuroskrg ,1993 ,58 :18 Furchgott RF , Zawadzki JV. The obligation role of endothelial ceels in the relaxition of ateryal smooth muscle by acetylcholine [J ] . Na2 1994-2007 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.


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