B A L L S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y ( B S U ) A T H L E T I C S C O M P L I A N C E N E W S L E T T E R
Kyle Brennan, Director of Compliance, 765-285-
ardinalCompliance Corner 1196 Banned Substance List NCAA Banned-Drug Classes 2007-08
epitrenbolone trenbolone fluoxymesterone and
The NCAA list of banned-drug classes is subject to
related compounds gestrinone mesterolone
change by the NCAA Executive Committee. The
other anabolic agents methandienone clen-
term “related compounds” comprises substances that
are included in the class by their pharmacological
action and/or chemical structure. No substance be-
• Diuretics and other Urine Manipulators:
longing to the prohibited class may be used, regard-
acetazolamide hydrochlorothiazide bendroflu-
less of whether it is specifically listed as an example.
methiazide hydroflumethiazide benzhiazide
Many nutritional/dietary supplements contain NCAA
chlorothiazide polythiazide chlorthalidone
banned substances. In addition, the U.S. Food and
probenecid ethacrynic acid spironolactone
Drug Administration (FDA) does not strictly regulate
(canrenone) finasteride probenecid flumethi-
the supplement industry; therefore purity and safety
azide triamterene furosemide trichlormethi-
of nutritional dietary supplements cannot be guaran-
teed. Impure supplements may lead to a positive
NCAA drug test. The use of supplements is at the
• Street Drugs: heroin tetrahydrocannabinol
student-athlete’s own risk. Student-athletes should
marijuana3 (THC)3 (f) Peptide Hormones and
contact their institution’s team physician or athletic
nadotrophin (hCG) insulin like growth factor
Banned Drugs
(IGF-1) luteinizing hormone (LH) (all the re-
The following is a list of banned-drug classes, with
spective releasing factors of the abovemen-
examples of substances under each class:
tioned substances also are banned.) erythro-
• Stimulants: methylenedioxymethamphetamine
amiphenazole (MDMA, ecstasy) amphetamine
methylphenidate bemigride nikethamide •
Anti-Estrogens: anastrozole clomiphene ta-
benzphetamine octopamine bromantan pemoline
caffeine1 (guarana) pentetrazol chlorphentermine
phendimetrazine cocaine phenmetrazine cro-
• Definitions of positive depends on the follow-
propamide phentermine crothetamide phenylpro-
ing: 1for caffeine—if the concentration in
panolamine (ppa) diethylpropion picrotoxine di-
urine exceeds 15 micrograms/ml. 2 for testos-
methylamphetamine pipradol doxapram prolin-
terone – an adverse analytical finding (positive
tane ephedrine (ephedra, strychnine ma huang)
result) based on any reliable analytical method
synephrine (citrus aurantium, ethamivan zhi shi,
(e.g., IRMS, GCMS, CIR) which shows that
bitter orange) ethylamphetamine and related
the testosterone is of exogenous origin, or if
compounds. fencamfamine The following stimu-
the ratio of the total concentration of testoster-
lants are not meclofenoxate banned: metham-
one to that of epitestosterone in the urine is
phetamine phenylephrine pseudoephedrine.
greater than 6:1, unless there is evidence that
this ratio is due to a physiological or patho-
• Anabolic Agents: anabolic steroids andros-
logical condition. 3for marijuana and THC—if
tenediol methyltestosterone androstenedione nan-
the concentration in the urine of THC metabo-
drolone boldenone norandrostenediol clostebol
• Please be aware of what you put in your body.
Ask your trainers if you are unsure about what
you are taking and make sure to let them know
all the prescriptions you are on. Failure to in-
form them could lead to a positive test result
• Remember the first positive test is a one year
dromostanolone tetrahydrogestrinone (THG)
Three of our classmates, John Shelby, Ed Garton, and Chuck Luton, have died of prostate cancer. It is not an easy death. In the cases of John and Ed, by the time a diagnosis was made, the cancer had already spread widely, and there was little that could be done other than ease the inevitable. They were both gone within months of the diagnosis. Bill Bailey forwarded this note from Chuck Luton on D
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