Asian J. Exp. Sci., Vol. 22, No. 1, 2008; 143-146Concurrent Effects of Eyestalk Ablation and Fluoxetine on the Nutrient Depostion During Ovarian Development in a Fresh Water Prawn, Machrobrachium lamarrei lamarrei R. Eswaralakshmi, J. Jayanthi and M.G. Ragunathan Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College, Abstract : The organic compounds like protein, carbohydrate and lipid have been quantitatively estimated in tissues such as haemolymph, hepatopancreas, muscle and ovary after injecting fluoxetine to an eyestalk ablated female fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium lamarrei lamarrei and all the tissues show fluctuations in their contents due to fluoxetine treatment. The results show that the more deposition of organic contents in the ovary of the fluoxetine treated prawn due to stimulatory action of fluoxetine. Key words : Bilateral eyestalk ablation, prawns, hepatopancreas, muscle, haemolymph, ovary, Biochemical contents Introduction
fluoxetine has not done in an eyestalk ablated
process, in which biochemical composition
of the animals occurs. The hepatopancreas is
an important site of intermediary metabolism
Materials and Methods
source of vitellogenin precursors. There is an
Macrobrachium lamarrei lamarrei in the
present study were collected from a lake in
hormones in some crustaceans may regulate
the accumulation and subsequent liberation
the Chennai city. After acclimatization 60
of organic reserves in the hepatopancreas. An
eyestalk-ablation study further reveals the
Groups (A, B and C) of twenty each. Group
degeneration of the hepatopancreas (Kulkarni
and Nagabhushanam, 1979). Meera et al.,
biochemical content on the first day itself.
maturation and biochemical deposition due
to eyestalk ablation and fluoxetine treatment
concurrently with Group C. Group B received
in a brackishwater crab, Uca lactea
physiological saline alone at a dose of 25 µl
annulipes. From the literature survey it is clear
and the Group C received fluoxetine of 25
that mobilization of organic reserves during
µl/crab at 1 mM conc. Injections to the two
Corresponding Author : M.G. Ragunathan, Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College, Chennai - 600 042 (India); E-mail : [email protected] Eswaralakshmi R. et al. (2008) Asian J. Exp. Sci., 22(1); 143-146
Hydroxytrypamine reuptake inhibitor.
shows significant (P<0.01) decrease in
sacrificed and the tissues such as haemolymph,
compared with the group A further there is
taken for biochemical analysis. The different
a significant (P<0.01) decrease in the group
tissues were stored in icebox until further
biochemical analysis of protein carbohydrates
standard methods for protein (Lowry et al.,
shows significant (P<0.01) increase in the
1951), Carbohydrate (Roe, 1955) and lipids
(Barnes and Blackstock, 1973). The results
obtained from the biochemical analysis were
compared with the group B (Table 2).
ovary shows significant (P<0.01) increase
group A then there is a significant increase
compared with the group A then there is a
significant (P<0.01) increase in the group C
significant (P<0.01) decrease in the group
B when compared with the group A, further,
muscle shows significant (P<0.01) decrease
there is a significant (P<0.01) decrease in
group A and further significant (P<0.01)
Table 1 : Total Protein Levels in the Eyestalk Ablated – Fluoxetine treated Macrobrachium lamarrei lamarrei (Untreated) (Saline) (Fluoxetine) Each value is mean ± SEM of 10 samples, expressed as mg/gm wet tissue and mg/ml haemolymph. * P < 0.01 Group A vs B vs CEffects of Eyestalk Ablation and Fluoxetine in a Fresh Water PrawnTable 2 : Total Carbohydrate Levels in the Eyestalk Ablated - Fluoxetine treated Macrobrachium lamarrei lamarrei (Untreated) (Saline) (Fluoxetine) Each value is mean ± SEM of 10 samples, expressed as mg/gm wet tissue and mg/ml haemolymph. * P < 0.01 Group A vs B vs CTable 3 : Total Lipid Levels in the Eyestalk Ablated - Fluoxetine Treated Macrobrachium lamarrei lamarrei (Untreated) (Saline) (Fluoxetine) Each value is mean ± SEM of 10 samples, expressed as mg/gm wet tissue and mg/ml haemolymph. * P < 0.01 Group A vs B vs CDiscussion
significant decrease in the carbohydratelevels when compared with their
In the present investigation the eyestalk
experimental controls. Similarly, ovary and
ablated - Fluoxetine treated prawns shows
significant decrease in the protein level of
Fluoxetine treated group shows significant
compared with their experimental controls.
compared with their experimental controls.
Similarly ovary and haemolymph of theeyestalk ablated - Fluoxetine treated group
shows significant increase in the protein level
ablation accelerated the development offemale gonads, in parallel with
when compared with their experimentalcontrols.
transportation of reserves from thehepatopancreas to the ovaries through the
haemolymph (Wouters et al., 2001; Arcos
et al., 2003; Meera et al., 2006b; Meera
ablated - Fluoxetine treated prawns shows
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white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei Buone.
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Ecol., 12, 103 – 118.
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ablated - Fluoxetine treated prawns shows
hepatopancreas to ovary during reproductive
significant decrease in the lipid level when
cycle of fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium
compared with their experimental controls.
eyestalk ablated - Fluoxetine treated group
Lowry O.H., Rosebrough N.K., Farr A.L. and Randall
shows significant increase in the lipid level
R.J. (1951). Protein measurement with Folin-
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fluoxetine in a brackish water crab, Uca lactea
Ragunathan et al. (2007) have reported a
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significant increase in the organic contents
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Meera N., Jayanthi J. and Ragunathan M.G. (2006b):
Nutrient deposition in gonads during their
Uca lactea annulipes due to Fluoxetine in
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Prolonged light and fluoxetine stimulates
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BRITISH PHARMACOPOEIA CHEMICAL REFERENCE SUBSTANCE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET The substance to which this Safety Data Sheet relates is supplied exclusively as a British Pharmacopoeia Chemical Reference Substance (BPCRS) for chemical test and assay purposes. It is not intended to be used for any other purpose and is not for human consumption . The BPCRS is supplied in
Que no se olvide, que no se repita Caravana Mapiripán Martes 28 de julio de 2009 12 años después de la masacre de Mapiripán – Meta, operada desde la Brigada 17 y la Brigada 7 encubierta por estructuras paramilitares, las víctimas en Caravana volvieron al espacio que era vida y se convirtió en barbarie. Llegaron al lugar que hace más de una década fue testigo del dolor causa