
Topics covered in the chemistry entrance exam
1. Atomic theory of matter. Structure of the atom. Isotopes. Atomic orbital. Electron configuration of elements. Types of radiation (beta,alpha,gamma,cosmic). 2. Atomic symbols and chemical formulas. Systematic naming of anorganic compounds. 3. Periodic table of the elements. Periods and groups. 4. Mass and moles of substance. Atomic weight, molecular weight. Definition of mole. Avogadro´s number. 5. Calculations involving solutions. Mass percentage. Molar concentration. 6. Ionic and covalent bonding. Polar covalent bond. Hydrogen bond. Moment dipole, electrolyte. 7. Chemical reactions. Rates of reactions. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant. Type of reaction: 8. Acid - base concepts. Brönsted - Lowry concept of acids and bases. Relative strength of acids and bases. 9. Oxidation - equilibrium reduction. Oxidation numbers. 10. Saturated hydrocarbons. Alcanes and cycloalcanes. Nomenclature. 11. Unsaturated hydrocarbons. Alkenes and alkynes. Nomenclature. Addition reactions. Aromatic 12. Derivatives of hydrocarbons. Alcohols, phenols and ethers. Physical and chemical properties. 13. Aldehydes and ketones. The oxidation of aldehydes and ketones. Nomenclature. 14. Carboxylic acids. The reactions of carboxylics acids. Esters, anhydrides, amides. 15. Amines. Chemical properties. Nomenclature. 16. Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides. Optical isomerism. 17. Lipids. Fats and oils. Chemical properties., Saponification 8. Antibiotics: structure, mode of action (tetracycline, peniciline, …) 11. Cholesterol , Derivatives of cholesterol Sample questions from past chemistry entrance exams
1. We have 45g pure KCL (100%). How many ml H2O must we add to prepare a 20% solution? 2. Calculate pH of KOH solution when its concentration is 10-2 3. Give the n and 1 numbers for the orbitals. 3 d 4 f 6 s 6. R1COO - R2 is a general formula for. . 7. Determine the oxidation numbers of the elements in the compound KMnO4. 8. What kind of bond exist in the molecule of BaCl2. 9. Write the electron configuration of the element having atomic number 12. 10. Benzyl is a radical derived from a) benzen b) phenol c) toluen d) naphthalene Sample questions from past biology entrance exams
1. Mutations are abrupt inheritable changes in: a) chromosomes 2. The cell division process witch produces two daughter cells is: a) fertilisation b) conjugation c) mitosis 3. Formation of haploid cells by a distinctive form of cell division is: a) meiosis b) mitosis c) fertilisation 4. Can a light microscope reveal the presence of the plasma / cytoplasm / membrane directly? a) yes b) no 5. Witch organism have cell walls: a) animal cells b) plant cells c) mycoplasms 6. The four /4/ classes of biological molecules are:. 7. The intake of fluid droplets by a cells is : a) exocytosis b) phagocytosis c) pinocytosis 8. Nucleotides of RNA contain the following different bases: a) A, G, T and U b) A, G, C and U c) A, G, C and T 9. Nucleotides of DNA contain of following four different bases: a) A, G, C and T b) A, G, C and U c) A, G, T and U 10. The intracellular locations sites of protein synthesis are within: a) chromosomes b) ribosomes c) endoplamic reticulum


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