Wheal northey surgery 1 wheal northey st austell pl25 3ef

Wheal Northey Surgery 1 Wheal Northey St Austell PL25 3EF

Travel Risk Assessment Form
Please complete this form prior to your travel appointment and return to reception
Personal details:
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………
Date of Birth: ……………………………. Male ( ) Female ( )
Easiest contact telephone number: ………………………………………………….
Dates of trip:
Date of departure: ……………………….
Return date or overall length of trip: ……………………………………………….
Itinery and purpose of visit:
Country to be visited
Away from medical help at destination? If so, how remote? Please circle the descriptions that best describe your trip: Holiday type - Package Self-organised Backpacking Personal Medical History: Do you have any recent or past medical history of note? This includes diabetes, heart or lung conditions, thymus disorder: Do you have any allergies, for example to eggs, antiobiotics, nuts? Have you ever had a serious reaction to a vaccine given to you before? Does having an injection make you feel faint? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you or any close family members have epilepsy? Yes …………………………… No ( ) Do you have any history or mental illness including depression or anxiety? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you recently undergone radiotherapy, chemotherapy or steroid treatment: Yes ( ) No ( ) Women only: Are you pregnant or planning pregnancy or breast feeding? Yes: ………………………………………. No ( ) Have you taken out travel insurance? If you have a medical condition, have you informed the insurance company about this? Yes ( ) No ( ) Please give any further information that may be relevant, including any future travel plans:
Vaccination History
Have you ever had any of the following vaccinations/malaria tablets, and if so when?
Tetanus ( ) …………………… Polio ( ) …………………. Diphtheria ( ) ………………
Typhoid ( ) …………………. Hepatitis A ( ) …………… Hepatitis B ( ) …………….
Meningitis ( ) ………………. Yellow Fever ( ) ………… Influenza ( ) ……………….
Rabies ( ) ……………………. Jap B Enceph ( ) ………… Tick Borne ( ) …………….
Other: …………………………………. Malaria Tablets ( ) ……………………………….
For discussion when risk assessment is performed within your appointment:
I have no reason to think that I might be pregnant. I have received information on the
risks and benefits of the vaccines recommended and have had the opportunity to ask
questions. I consent to the vaccines being given.
Signed: Date:

For surgery use only

Patient name: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Travel risk assessment performed: Yes ( ) No ( )
Travel vaccines recommended for this trip:
Disease protection
Further information

Travel advice and leaflets given as per travel protocol

Malaria prevention advice and malaria chemoprophylaxis
Chloroquine and proguanil ( ) Atovaquone + proguanil (Malarone) ( )
Chloroquine ( ) Mefloquine ( ) Doxycycline ( ) Malaria advice leaflet given ( )
Further information eg: weight of child
Signed by: ………………………. Position: ……………………. Date: …….

Source: http://www.whealnortheysurgery.co.uk/website/L82611/files/travelriskassessmentform.pdf

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Estarás de acuerdo conmigo en que muchas veces un nombre propio predispone a favor o en contra de una persona desconocida, sólo por el recuerdo que de aquel nombre tenemos de determinada persona que sí conocemos. Un ejemplo claro de ello es, en ocasiones, la disputa de los padres a la hora de elegir el nombre que pondrán a su futuro hijo. El juego cabalístico de las cifras es similar. Y ya,

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