Illness and injury prevention

Jamboree Illness and Injury Prevention
Gregg Trisket, NREMTP, Medical Technician, Subcamp 3, Medical Center.
The National Scout Jamboree is a once in a lifetime experience for most Scouts.
Missing out on al or part of the jamboree experience due to an il ness or injury can be
avoided by fol owing some simple precautions.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Arrangements should be made with a relative or a friend,
authorizing them to act for the parent/guardian if they are to be away. Also a Troop
itinerary should be posted at home.
DAY PACK: Always carry a daypack with your personal supplies. Include the Jamboree
map of the area (posted on the Subcamp 3 web site) and the Jamboree guidebook.
Carry a water bottle and medications such as an asthma inhaler. Maintain your
Personal First Aid kit with Neosporin with Band-Aids, Moleskin or Molefoam, etc.
BUDDY SYSTEM: Always travel with a buddy or as a patrol on your tour and at the
Jamboree. Have a pre-plan if you get separated.
WASH HANDS OFTEN: Most diseases are spread by hand contact with your eyes,
nose, and mouth. Wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom. Carry a
smal bottle of waterless hand cleaner. If you cannot wash before eating, try to use a
utensil or wrap your food in a napkin or a wrapper without touching it. Don’t share eating
utensils or food with others to avoid il ness. If someone is sick minimize contact with him
or her and his or her property to avoid spreading the il ness.
EAT NUTRITIOUS FOODS: Eat fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Your body needs
high fiber foods to stay healthy and to keep your bowels regular. Minimize snack foods
such as high fat content fast foods and candy. Avoid food poisoning; do not to eat
leftover, un-refrigerated food. IF IN DOUBT, DON’T EAT IT!
REST and NAPS: It is very important to get a good night’s sleep to maintain high
energy and immunity levels. Not getting enough rest can lead to a sleep deficit and
lower your resistance to il ness. When possible, take a short nap at mid-day or late
afternoon, before dinner. Try to take naps while traveling on buses or during your flights.
SUN PROTECTION: You wil be exposed to the heat and sun for up to ten or more
hours each day. It is very important to put on a waterproof, Sports-type, silicone based,
sunscreen rated at SPF-30. Be sure to cover sensitive areas such as your nose, lips,
face, ears, neck, backs of knees, arms, and any other areas not protected by your
clothing. Even though you may have a “good tan”, your skin wil burn with prolonged
daily exposures. Serious sunburn can make you very sick, with permanent skin
damage, which may cause skin cancer. Put sunscreen on early in the morning, before
going out. Waiting until you start to feel the burn is too late! Wear high quality, high UV
rated, and polarized sunglasses. Wraparound glasses provide the best protection.
DEHYDRATION Prevention: Drink water often to avoid dehydration. Plan you’re your
activity according to the Heat Index for each day, which is available at the Sub camp
Medical Center. Dehydration is a major concern while en-route to and during your
attendance at the National Jamboree. Your body can be dehydrated and you may not
feel thirsty. You should carry a water container at al times. Plan to take a rest
break/water break at least once per hour. Replace the water your body is losing as
perspiration and respiration. Avoid soda pop and caffeinated drinks, as they wil
enhance dehydration.
Signs and Symptoms: Increased skin temperature, excessive sweating and flushed
skin color. Monitor your urine output and color. Urination should be frequent and of high
volume. Color should be clear or light yel ow. Infrequent or low volume urination and
dark amber colored urine indicates dehydration. “Drink til you pee. If you are not
peeing, you are not drinking enough.” Thirst is a late sign of dehydration! As the heat
il ness progresses, you wil notice that you are irritable and weak with associated
dizziness. If you experience heat cramps, nausea, and/or vomiting, seek help at the
nearest Medical Center.
Treatment: Plan your exertion accordingly. Drink 10 fluid ounces per hour, which is
approximately the equivalent of one can of soda pop. You may need to drink more if the
heat index is high, or if you are exercising and losing fluid at a higher rate. Gatorade or
other Sports Drinks can help if mixed at half normal strength, and wil provide
electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, citrates, and glucose. Don’t drink large
quantities of water al at once, which can make you il . It is OK to drink water before
going to bed, even though you may have to make a late trip to the latrine. Better to be
hydrated, as you wil sleep better and feel better the next day. Don’t use salt tablets!
Salt tablets can make you il , and wil not provide the balance of electrolytes needed.
Avoid soda pop and caffeinated drinks, as they wil enhance dehydration. Caffeinated
drinks with high sugar content, I.e. Mountain Dew wil cause you to excrete water at a
high rate through your kidneys and lead to further dehydration. Everyone wil acclimate
to the hot environment differently. Hyperthermia (high bodytemperature) can lead to
heat exhaustion or progress to exertional heat stroke.
HEAT RASH and CHAFING: SHOWER DAILY. Change into clean dry clothes. Launder
soiled clothes often.
HEAT RASH: Heat Rash is usual y an outbreak of “pimples” or “zits” on pores and hair
fol icles. Found usual y on the chest, on the back, and on the legs. It occurs when you
are sweating heavily each day in a humid and hot climate. Daily showering can best
prevent it. Use antibacterial soap such as Lever 2000 containing Triclosan, to help
control bacterial growth. Do not break the pimples as you may spread the infection.
Serious cases should be treated at the Sub camp Medical Center.
CHAFING: Wear polyester or Supplex nylon underwear. Athletic running shorts or
compression shorts worn under the Scout short wil wick moisture away and wil
minimize the rubbing causing chafe. Sweaty, cotton underwear rubbing against the skin
causes chafe. Remember that cotton clothing dries very slowly in humid climates. If you
experience chafe, use a drying powder such as talcum, Baby Powder or cornstarch. If
you have Jock Itch, apply an antifungal ointment or lotion regularly, such as Cruex,
or Micatin. Serious cases should be treated at the Sub camp Medical Center.
FOOT INJURY PREVENTION: One of the worst experiences a Scout or Scouter can
have on a Jamboree trip is sore feet and blisters. By the nature of the event, Jamborees
involve a lot of walking, both on the pre-jamboree tours, and at the Jamboree itself.
Although most Scouts are in good physical condition, very few are conditioned to
suddenly begin walking miles each day. Often the result is sore feet and blisters.
Fortunately, these difficulties are largely preventable by taking good care of your feet.
WEAR COMFORTABLE WALKING SHOES. Wear comfortable, wel fitted, and wel -
broken in athletic shoes or walking shoes. Do not wear brand new shoes that are not
broken in. Hiking boots are general y not as good due to the high heat and humidity.
WEAR SYNTHETIC SOCK LINERS. Wear athletic, Polypropylene synthetic sock liners
under your regular Scout socks each day. Polypropylene wicks moisture away from the
skin and limits the friction caused by cotton Scout socks when they are moist with
perspiration. Do not wear cotton socks alone. Put on clean, dry socks each day and
wash socks frequently. Wash your feet regularly and use foot powder. If you have an
athlete’s foot infection, be sure to bring antifungal powder or ointment such as Micatin,
Lotrimin, or Tinactin. If you start to get a hot spot or blister, treat it immediately or get
some help before it gets bad. Use Moleskin or Molefoam and make a donut shaped
cushion to go around the blister. Coat the skin around the blister with tincture of Benzoin
to help the Molefoam to stick. Do not puncture blisters; get medical attention, if needed.
PREVENT INJURIES: Be aware of hazards. Most National Jamboree injuries are
preventable. You can avoid getting injured by using caution and thinking about avoiding
the dangerous activity. Stop Think then Act. Running, jumping, in the dark causes
injuries. Scouts have sprained and broken legs, ankles and arms. Running/walking
without shoes is a good way to get cuts, abrasions and slivers. Remember your “TOTIN
CHIP” RULES. Finger whittling is prohibited!
MINOR SOFT TISSUE INJURIES: Clean with soap and water then dress with a smal
amount of an antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) and a dry sterile bandage. Get help from
the Sub camp Medical Center if needed.
TICKS: Ticks are a serious problem. They carry serious diseases such as the Rocky
Mountain spotted fever, and the Lyme disease. They are often very smal , and get on
clothing, while you are walking through grassy or bush areas.
Prevention and Treatment: Use an insect repel ant such as 30% DEET around your
feet, and on clothing. Check your clothes and bedding for ticks often. Ticks bite in your
scalp, behind knees, armpits, and just about anywhere. You and your tent mate should
check each others scalp for ticks, which you can’t see for yourself.
If you have a Tick attached: Come to the Sub camp Medical Center to have it
removed and to be sent to testing for disease. Don’t try to remove it yourself as you may
leave parts of the head in the wound. Don’t use heat or oil to try to get it to back out.
Bee and Wasp Stings: Bee and wasp stings can cause shock and be very serious if
you are al ergic. If you are stung and have a reaction such as hives, red and white
blotches that itch, shortness of breath and dizziness, you are having an al ergic
reaction. Get someone to take you to the nearest Medical Center immediately, or
activate the EMS system.
POISON IVY: Poison Ivy is common in the jamboree area. It is identified by three bright
green waxy leaf clusters and sometimes-white berries. Don’t touch it or get it on your
clothing. If you do get exposed to it, removed clothing that may have the poison oil on it.
Clean the area-exposed with soap and water, taking care to not expose other skin
surfaces. Clean the skin with rubbing alcohol. Come to the Sub camp Medical Center
for treatment.
Travelers complain of diarrhea or constipation often as a result from a change in food
and water. Being dehydrated, and eating too much of the wrong foods wil complicate
your bowel regularity. If you are having a problem with DIARRHEA, drink clear fluids;
eat light foods such as chicken broth. Rest, and take medications such as Imodium or
Kaopectate. If you have abdominal pain or cramping, seek help at the Sub camp
Medical Center. If you are having a problem with CONSTIPATION, drink lots of fluids;
eat fruits and vegetables or high fiber bran, cereals. Come to the Sub camp Medical
Center for help if you need it.
COUGH AND COLD: Travel can also expose you to virus “bugs” which cause colds,
respiratory infections or the flu. If you feel something coming on, get help for it right
away. Drink plenty of fluids, eat wel , rest, and ask for medication early before it gets out
of control. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and/or Ibuprofen (Motrin) may be taken to control
the fever and relieve pain. DO NOT take ASPIRIN! Aspirin can cause Reye’s syndrome
(paralysis) in teenagers who have a virus. Come to the Sub camp Medical Center for
assistance if needed.
ASTHMA: Asthma can flare up at the jamboree due to exertion, dust, molds, spores
and pol en. It is especial y a problem during arena shows when the dust is stirred up by
many thousands of Scouts, Scouters and visitors. Be sure to keep your asthma
medications with you at al times, and use them whenever indicated. If you are having
problems, or a severe reaction, come to the nearest Medical Center immediately or
activate the EMS system.
HEAT EXHAUSTION: Heat Exhaustion is a result of exposure to a high heat index or
as a result of prolonged exercise in the heat and severe dehydration.
Signs/Symptoms: Heat Exhaustion wil appear like shock. The person wil present with
cool, clammy, moist skin. Breathing wil be rapid and shal ow and a weak pulse. There
may be signs of muscle cramps and diarrhea. The person may complain of numbness
and feel extremely weak. The person may feel anxious, disorientated and complain of a
Treatment: Remove the person from the hot environment. Have them lie down. Provide
sips of water if they are alert and are able to swal ow. Never give fluids, if the person is
semi-conscious or unresponsive, as they may choke. Remove enough clothing to cool
the person without chil ing them. Fanning increases evaporation and cooling. If they
begin to shiver stop fanning and perhaps cover them lightly. Heat Exhaustion victims
should be moved to the nearest Medical Center, or activate the EMS system to
transport them.
EXERTIONAL HEAT STROKE: Heat Stroke could occur in younger persons who are
exposed to overwhelming heat stress.
Signs/Symptoms: Sweating wil have stopped. The skin may be dry or covered with
sweat that is stil present from earlier exertion. In either case the skin is hot. Deep
respirations that becomes shal ow. The pulse wil be rapid with a low blood pressure.
The person may be confused or disoriented or unresponsive. Seizures may be possible.
Treatment: Heat Stroke is a life threatening medical emergency requiring immediate
activation of the EMS System. Remove the person from the hot environment. Have
them lie down. Initiate rapid cooling by removing excess clothing, applying moist, tepid
cloths. Fanning and misting may also be used if necessary. If unresponsive, turn them
on theirside to prevent choking.
OTHER SPECIAL MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Be sure you have an adequate supply of
your medications. Be sure to check in with the Sub camp Medical Center.
AT the JAMBOREE – Contact the nearest Medical Center.



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