EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE Regular Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting June 2, 2009 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gary Larson at 7:11 PM at Station 1-1. The following were in attendance: John Clancy, Gary Larson, Victor Rasmussen; Scott Koehler, Bob Jacobs, Dean Thornberry; Brad Baldwin and Paula Knapp. AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS: Commissioner Larson sought adjustments to the agenda. There were none. CONSENT AGENDA:
May 19, 2009 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2009 Local BVFF&RO Meeting Minutes
♦ Approval of June 2, 2009 Financial Report
♦ Excuse Absent Commissioners: Cox and Goodnight
MOTION (by Clancy): To approve the Consent Agenda. SECONDED by Rasmussen. Passed Unanimously.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: There was no public comment. CORRESPONDENCE:
Sean Guard—Mayoral Candidate—Request to Meet with Fire Commissioners. Mr. Guard
desires to meet with the Board and the Fire Fighters to discuss his candidacy. Chief Koehler feels that this would be a violation of PDC rules—and felt that the Board and the District should NOT hear ANY candidate or use ANY District facilities that are being used for official District business—for political activities. The Board agreed. Chief Koehler will notify Mr. Guard—and any other requesting candidate—of the Board’s decision.
SW Washington Fire Commissioner’s Association—2009 Spring Workshop. Commissioner
Larson discussed this workshop. He also urged ECFR Commissioners to participate in SW Washington Fire Commissioner Association activities—so that the District is aware of SWFCA actions and activities.
WA Military Department—Aspirin Mailings. Bayer Aspirin is doing an advertising mailing
in which aspirin crystals will be contained. The Military Department wanted to forewarn First Responders of this mailing—in anticipation of possible calls from the public about ‘white powder’ being received in the mail.
REPORTS OF OFFICERS: The following has occurred since the last Regular Board Meeting:
Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Regular Board Meeting
Total Calls Projected:
Calls that have occurred since the last Regular Board Meeting:
Cadet’s Group Activities Officially End Friday Working on Mobilization Schedule for Wildfire Season
First State Fire Mobilization Called, today, in Chelan County
Mechanic Repaired Water Leak in WT 1-4 Hazardous Materials—Operations Class being taught this weekend New Shared Fire Fighters are now on Shifts—On Probation Until March 2010 Volunteers and Part-Timers Standing Shifts at Station 1-1 to Help Fill Duty Schedule Tested 28 Applicants for Volunteer Fire Fighter—last Saturday Rick Knapp has agreed to do non-emergency PIO activities Scheduled Committee Meeting for Health & Fitness Grant—Monday, June 12th, 5 PM, Station 1-4 Reviewed Functional Consolidation Plan VFIS Risk Reduction Consultant will be here on June 12th Preparing to Surplus the Rescue Unit Preparations for Summer Academy for High School Fire Fighters (Cadet Program) almost complete Working to Coordinate Facilities Maintenance Schedule at Station 1-5 with CFD personnel New Staff Vehicle waiting for Mounting Brackets for Overhead Light Bar ECFR completing DRS Audit Applied for Federal Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant—Exhaust Filters for Diesel Apparatus Preparing MotoCross Plan for this Summer’s National Event Developing Annual Drill for Regional Type 3 Incident Management Team Plans/Finance Trailer Hardwired Thursday for Computers/Printers
I-Suite (Database) Training Scheduled for Regional T-3 IMT Members
John Talbot (CRESA Assistant Director) Retires June 26th Assistant Chief Bob Jacobs reviewed his written report. Assistant Chief Dean Thornberry is on vacation. No written report was provided.
VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION: Brad Baldwin, Volunteer Association Liaison, reported that arrangements are being completed for their BLS Standby at the Vintage Motorcycle Races—over the Father’s Day weekend—at the Washougal MX Track. The Association thanked the Board and the Chief for allowing the Volunteers to perform this Community Service activity. They also appreciate being allowed to utilize District apparatus and equipment—to be better prepared—for the Standby.
Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Regular Board Meeting
Baldwin also reported that a good number of Volunteers had helped conduct the Member Candidate Testing for potential new Volunteer Members. Some 28 persons competed for less than 10 Membership slots. Captain Dale Dawson was complimented for the way he prepared/conducted the testing.
MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS: There were no miscellaneous reports.
FIRE DISTRICT BUSINESS: Shared Services with Camas Fire & Rescue. Chief Koehler advised that work continues on the Functional Consolidation Plan with Camas. The next Fire Authority Meeting has been re- scheduled to June 18th. Chief Koehler discussed a letter that was sent to Camas Fire Chief Leo Leon from the Camas Professional Fire Fighter’s Association, Local 2444, regarding a Camas Fire Fighter/PM having to respond by himself—to a medical call—while staffing Station 1-1. The FF/PM’s partner had to leave for a scheduled event 40 minutes prior to the next Member arriving for Standby Duty. The Union talks—in this letter—about withdrawing from a Memorandum of Understanding that the City has with them regarding staffing Station 1-1. After discussion—about Camas initiating the offer to help staff our stations—but now complaining about the way we sometimes have to staff (occasionally with only one on-duty), the Board asked the Chief to write a letter to Chief Leon documenting the Fire District’s situation—discussing funding, available human resources, etc.—and the need for the Union to fulfill assignments within our system of operation. EMS Response Billing.
Debt Forgiveness. “EB” utilized EMS response once and owes the Fire District $413. They are on a ‘fixed-income’ and have no discretionary income (confirmed via documentation submitted to the District by “CW”). They have tried, diligently, to get their insurance to cover the cost—but have been turned down, repeatedly. They ask the Board to forgive all EMS response charges.
MOTION (by Clancy): To forgive all charges related to EMS response for “EB”. SECONDED by Rasmussen. Passed Unanimously.
Bear Prairie Satellite Station. Commissioner Larson reported that Clark County Community Development agreed to do an Investigative Inspection of the existing structures at the Bear Prairie site. Following that inspection, they have determined that the additions to the house meet the Building Code. No drawings will be necessary. They may require that the posts—supporting the south end of the Car Port—be reinforced. There are some other inspections/tasks that must be completed: septic sign-off, variance for set-back, etc—before the final permit for the house can be issued. The County has also decided that the house issue has nothing to do with the barn. Therefore, they have agreed to allow the Fire District to move forward with the permit process to enclose the barn. Purchase Request: Turnouts. With new Members coming in, soon, and some turnouts nearing their 10-year limit on service life, it is time to consider purchasing some new protective gear. Captain Carnes is requesting the purchase of 7 sets of equipment (turnouts and helmets). This is a budgeted item. More turnouts will be needed—as sizes are obtained.
Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Regular Board Meeting
MOTION (by Clancy): To approve the purchase of seven sets of Turnouts. SECONDED by Rasmussen. Passed Unanimously.
Open House at Station 1-1. Chief Koehler is still trying to get enough help from the Members to hold an Open House during the weekend of Camas Days (same weekend as the MotoCross Nationals). The Pilot’s Association is anxious to coordinate a joint event. Washougal Water Tower. Chief Koehler has received no response from his two requests to the City to obtain a copy of the Road Agreement for SE 16th Street. However, the neighbors have been very vocal about their unhappiness with the City’s project. In fact, they are organizing a legal challenge to the City. The Board is unwilling to take any action on this issue until they review the Road Agreement. Stimulus Program for Fire Station Construction. Information is about to be published regarding Federal Stimulus Money for Fire Station Construction. Chief Koehler presented a list of possible projects—station by station—for Board review. Lacking the parameters of the program, Koehler is not sure what projects/activities will be allowed. He is also unsure of the deadlines—which could force Staff to move quickly in an effort to secure funding for desired projects. The Board discussed the list, added some project ideas to the discussion, the directed the Chief to move forward quickly—between Board Meetings, if necessary—to submit a request. Filling Swimming Pools. The Fire District has been receiving requests to fill swimming pools. The District has, in the past, filled swimming pools—with the understanding that the water can be taken when needed for a fire. Some requests have come from folks whose pools are not appropriate for drafting operations. When the District refused to provide the water—some Customers got angry. Chief Koehler desires an Agency policy on the matter. The Board briefly discussed the pros and cons of filling swimming pools. There is concern that the Fire District—with very ‘short’ staffing during the day— could receive a fire call and be way ‘out of position’ and/or not have water in the apparatus. Such a situation would be unacceptable to both the District and the Community. There is also concern that our heavy apparatus could do damage to roadways, driveways, pools, etc.—creating a liability that the District does not want to bear. MOTION (by Larson): To discontinue the practice of filling swimming pools. SECONDED by Clancy. Passed Unanimously. Overview of Chelan Conference. Commissioner Larson provided an overview of the Chelan Conference: The Conference Attendees did some work toward identifying issues for the next legislative session. Efforts are underway to have the IRS re-define “Volunteers” to avoid taxation of reimbursements paid to Volunteer First Responders. There was also discussion about Impact Fees for Fire Districts—currently, impact fees are NOT allowed for Fire Districts, but there is no prohibition for Fire Authorities. LOCAL BOARD FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS & RESERVE OFFICERS Chairman Gary Larson called the Local Board for VFF&ROs Meeting to order at 8:54 PM. There was one item of business to discuss: Authorize the State BVFF&ROs to pay one invoice voucher for a New Member Entry Physical for Intern Fire Fighter Matt Baker. The Local Board directed the State Board to pay the invoice voucher(s). The Local Board for VFF&ROs Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. The Minutes of the Local Board for VFF&ROs Meeting are filed separately.
Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Regular Board Meeting
Ambulance Advisory Board Meeting, Thursday, June 11th, 7 PM, Station 1-5 Risk Reduction Consultant Here, Friday, June 12th, 12:30 PM, Station 1-4 Fire Authority Meeting, June 18th, 6 PM, Station 4-2
EXECUTIVE SESSION: There was no Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT: The Board adjourned at 8:56 PM. The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for June 16, 2009, 7 PM, Station 1-1. Respectfully Submitted, EAST COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE
Victor Rasmussen, Commissioner ATTEST: DISTRICT SEAL:
Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Regular Board Meeting
Andrea’s Help Sheet on Preparing Solutions There are several types of stock solutions made in the research lab: Percent (%) solutions, Molar (M) solutions, X solutions, and mg/ml solutions. First are instructions on how to make % solutions. First, know the definition of a % solution: 1% = 1g/100ml That’s the basic formula, and it is logical because “per cent” means “per hundred�
Monday, 4 February 2013 • 3 taking place in our respective borders,” DEP Pennsylvania regulator to study Secretary Mike Krancer said. radioactivity in drilling wastes that requires landfills to monitor for radia- Pennsylvania’s environmental regulator sources in the shale gas production process, tion levels in incoming wastes, and that only Thursday announced plans to conduct a