
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Pes baskervillský
Translation Frantiöek Gel ñ heirs, 2003 This story owes its inception to my friend, tato kniha vdÏËÌ za sv˘j vznik V·m ñ neboù Vy Mr Fletcher Robinson, who has helped me both jste mi povÏdÏl o tÈto z·padoanglickÈ povÏsti. in the general plot and in the local details. P¯ijmÏte m˘j dÌk za to,i za informace, kterÈ pomohly obraz dokreslit. V·ö A. Conan DoyleHindhead, Haslemere MR SHERLOCK HOLMES
Mr Sherlock Holmes, who was usually very late in the morn- Sherlock Holmes, jenû zpravidla ñ s v˝jimkou nevz·cn˝ch p¯Ì- ings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he pad˘, kdy byl vzh˘ru celou noc aû do r·na ñ chodÌval k snÌdani stayed up all night, was seated at the breakfast table. I stood velmi pozdÏ, sedÏl tentokr·t jiû za stolem. J· post·val u krbu upon the hearthrug and picked up the stick which our visitor a pr·vÏ jsem vzal do ruky vych·zkovou h˘l, kterou zde n·ö had left behind him the night before. It was a fine, thick piece n·vötÏvnÌk p¯edchozÌho veËera zapomnÏl. Byl to pÏkn˝, ma- of wood, bulbous-headed, of the sort which is known as sivnÌ kus d¯eva s cibulovitou rukojetÌ, h˘l onoho druhu, kterÈ se a ìPenang lawyerî. Just under the head was a broad silver ¯Ìk· Ñsingap˙rkaì. TÏsnÏ pod rukojetÌ byla h˘l obtoËena st¯Ìbr- band, nearly an inch across. ìTo James Mortimer, MRCS, from n˝m prstencem öirok˝m skoro na dva prsty. ÑJakubu Mortime- his friends of the CCHî, was engraved upon it, with the date rovi z K. K. CH. jeho p¯·telÈ z L. N. CH. C.ì bylo na krouûku ì1884î. It was just such a stick as the old-fashioned family vyryto a letopoËet Ñ1884ì. Byla to p¯esnÏ takov· h˘l, jakou no- practitioner used to carry ñ dignified, solid, and reassuring.
sÌvali staromÛdnÌ rodinnÌ lÈka¯i ñ d˘stojn·, solidnÌ a uklidÚujÌcÌ.
ìWell, Watson, what do you make of it?î ÑNuûe, Watsone, co jste z nÌ vyËetl?ì Holmes was sitting with his back to me, and I had given him Holmes sedÏl obr·cen z·dy ke mnÏ a j· mu niËÌm nenazna- ìHow did you know what I was doing? I believe you have ÑJak vÌte, co dÏl·m? M·te oËi v temeni hlavy?ì ÑNem·m oËi vzadu, m·m vöak p¯ed sebou post¯Ìb¯enou ìI have, at least, a well-polished, silver-plated coffee-pot in a dob¯e vyleötÏnou k·vovou konvici,ì ¯ekl. ÑAle povÏzte mi, front of me,ì said he. ìBut, tell me, Watson, what do you make Watsone, co v·m ta h˘l naöeho n·vötÏvnÌka ¯Ìk·. Jelikoû jsme of our visitorís stick? Since we have been so unfortunate as to mÏli sm˘lu a prop·sli ho a nem·me potuchy, co si p¯·l, na- miss him and have no notion of his errand, this accidental sou- b˝v· tato upomÌnka d˘leûitosti. ÿeknÏte mi, jak byste na z·- venir becomes of importance. Let me hear you reconstruct the kladÏ peËlivÈ prohlÌdky hole rekonstruoval jejÌho majitele.ì ìI think,î said I, following so far as I could the methods of ÑMyslÌm,ì ¯ekl jsem a ¯Ìdil jsem se p¯itom podle sv˝ch moû- my companion, ìthat Dr Mortimer is a successful elderly medi- nostÌ metodou svÈho p¯Ìtele, Ñûe doktor Mortimer je z·moûn˝ cal man, well-esteemed, since those who know him give him obstaröÌ lÈka¯, poûÌvajÌcÌ znaËnÈ v·ûnosti, jak soudÌm z toho, ûe mu jeho p¯·telÈ projevili uzn·nÌ pr·vÏ tÌmto darem.ì ÑV˝bornÏ!ì ¯ekl Holmes. ÑZnamenitÈ!ì ìI think also that the probability is in favour of his being ÑDomnÌv·m se d·le, ûe pravdÏpodobnÏ jde o lÈka¯e ven- a country practitioner who does a great deal of his visiting on kovskÈho, kter˝ mnohÈ cesty k pacient˘m kon·v· pÏöky.ì ÑProtoûe tato h˘l, aËkoliv byla p˘vodnÏ velmi elegantnÌ, je ìBecause this stick, though originally a very handsome one, nynÌ tak seöl·, ûe si nedovedu p¯edstavit, jak by ji nosil mÏst- has been so knocked about that I can hardly imagine a town sk˝ lÈka¯. Siln˝ ûelezn˝ bodec je opot¯ebovan˝, je tudÌû jasnÈ, practitioner carrying it. The thick iron ferrule is worn down, so it is evident that he has done a great amount of walking ÑNaprosto logickÈ!ì ¯ekl Holmes.
ÑVelmi informativnÌ jsou d·le zkratky vyrytÈho vÏnov·nÌ.
Pakliûe dostal tento d·rek Ëlen Kr·lovskÈ koleje chirurg˘, jenû ìAnd then again, there is the ìfriends of the CCHî. I should je venkovsk˝m lÈka¯em, od nÏjak˝ch p¯·tel, skoro bych ¯ekl, guess that to be the Something Hunt, the local hunt to whose ûe to L. N. je zkratka pro nÏjakou loveckou spoleËnost ñ ¯ek- members he has possibly given some surgical assistance, and nÏme Lovci-Nimrodi z Ch·. CÈ. Snad jejÌm Ëlen˘m poskytl lÈ- which has made him a small presentation in return.î ka¯skou pomoc a oni mu opl·tkou vÏnovali d·rek.ì ìReally, Watson, you excel yourself,ì said Holmes, pushing ÑVskutku, Watsone, p¯ekon·v·te s·m sebe,ì ¯ekl Holmes, back his chair and lighting a cigarette. ìI am bound to say that odstrkuje ûidli a zapaluje si cigaretu. ÑMusÌm ¯Ìci, ûe ve zpr·- in all the accounts which you have been so good as to give of v·ch, kterÈ jste tak laskavÏ uve¯ejnil o m˝ch drobn˝ch ˙spÏ- my own small achievements you have habitually underrated öÌch, jste ömahem sniûoval svÈ vlastnÌ schopnosti. Byù t¯eba your own abilities. It may be that you are not yourself lumi- s·m nesvÌtÌte, jste vodiËem svÏtla. Jsou lidÈ, kte¯Ì ñ aniû sami nous, but you are a conductor of light. Some people without byli nad·ni genialitou ñ majÌ pozoruhodnou schopnost genia- possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating.
litu podnÏcovat. MusÌm se p¯iznat, m˘j mil˝ brachu, ûe jsem I confess, my dear fellow, that I am very much in your debt.î He had never said as much before, and I must admit that his NÏco takovÈho mi dosud jeötÏ nikdy ne¯ekl a musÌm se p¯i- words gave me keen pleasure, for I had often been piqued by his znat, ûe mÏ jeho slova nadmÌru potÏöila, neboù jsem byl Ëasto indifference to my admiration and to the attempts which I had rozmrzen lhostejnostÌ, kterou projevoval v˘Ëi mÈmu obdivu made to give publicity to his methods. I was proud, too, to think i v˘Ëi m˝m pokus˘m dodat jeho metod·m publicitu. TakÈ mne that I had so far mastered his system as to apply it in a way which p˝chou naplnila myölenka, ûe jsem jeho systÈm ovl·dl tak earned his approval. He now took the stick from my hands and dalece, ûe jsem ho dok·zal aplikovat zp˘sobem, jenû si vyslou- examined it for a few minutes with his naked eyes. Then, with ûil jeho pochvalu. TeÔ mi Holmes vzal h˘l z ruky a po nÏko- an expression of interest, he laid down his cigarette, and, carry- lik minut se na ni dÌval prost˝m okem. Potom se na jeho tv·¯i ing the cane to the window, he looked over it again with a con- objevil v˝raz z·jmu. Holmes odloûil cigaretu, p¯istoupil s holÌ k oknu a znova ji prohlÌûel lupou.
ìInteresting, though elementary,î said he, as he returned to ÑZajÌmavÈ, byù i velmi prostÈ,ì ¯ekl, kdyû se vracel do svÈho his favourite corner of the settee. ìThere are certainly one or two oblÌbenÈho kouta na pohovce. ÑH˘l zajistÈ poskytuje nÏkolik indications upon the stick. It gives us the basis for several deduc- n·znak˘. D·v· n·m v˝chozÌ body pro ËetnÈ soudy.ì ÑUniklo mi snad nÏco?ì ot·zal jsem se ponÏkud net˝kavÏ.
ìHas anything escaped me?î I asked, with some self- impor- ÑDouf·m, ûe jsem nep¯ehlÈdl nic d˘leûitÈho.ì tance. ìI trust that there is nothing of consequence which I ha- ÑJe mi lÌto, mil˝ Watsone, ale vÏtöina vaöich ˙sudk˘ byla myln·. Kdyû jsem ¯Ìkal, ûe mÏ podnÏcujete, mÌnil jsem tÌm, ìI am afraid, my dear Watson, that most of your conclusions abych pravdu dÏl, ûe jsem tu a tam doöel pravdy proto, ûe were erroneous. When I said that you stimulated me I meant, m˝m vodÌtkem byly vaöe omyly, jichû jsem si povöiml. Nechci to be frank, that in noting your fallacies I was occasionally tÌm ¯Ìci, ûe v tomto p¯ÌpadÏ nem·te v˘bec pravdu. N·ö muû je guided towards the truth. Not that you are entirely wrong zajistÈ venkovsk˝ lÈka¯. A mnoho chodÌ.ì in this instance. The man is certainly a country practitioner.
ÑNikoliv, nikoliv, mil˝ Watsone, nenÌ to cel· pravda ñ zda- leka to nenÌ cel· pravda. M·m dojem, ûe lÈka¯ dostane d·rek ìNo, no, my dear Watson, not all ñ by no means all. I would spÌö od nemocnice neû od nimroda, a vych·zÌme-li z p¯edpo- suggest, for example, that a presentation to a doctor is more kladu, ûe jde o lond˝nskou nemocnici, nabÌzejÌ pÌsmena CH.
likely to come from a hospital than from a hunt, and that when C. velmi z¯etelnÏ v˝klad Charing Cross.ì the initials ìC Cî are placed before that hospital the words ìCharing Crossî very naturally suggest themselves.î ÑPravdÏpodobnost ukazuje tÌm smÏrem. A uzn·me-li tento dohad za hypotÈzu, m·me novÈ v˝chodisko, z nÏhoû m˘ûeme ìThe probability lies in that direction. And if we take this zaËÌt konstruovat obraz naöeho nezn·mÈho n·vötÏvnÌka.ì as a working hypothesis we have a fresh basis from which ÑNuûe,ì ¯ekl jsem, Ñdejme tomu, ûe L. N. CH. znamen· to start our construction of this unknown visitor.î opravdu ,Lond˝nsk· nemocnice Charing Crossë, co z toho m˘- ìWell, then, supposing that ìCCHî does stand for ìCharing Cross Hospitalî, what further inferences may we draw?î ìDo none suggest themselves? You know my methods.
ÑNic se v·m nevybavuje? Zn·te mÈ metody. Pouûijte jich!ì ÑNapad· mi toliko nejprostöÌ z·vÏr, ûe ten ËlovÏk mÏl praxi ìI can only think of the obvious conclusion that the man has v Lond˝nÏ, neû se odstÏhoval na venkov.ì practised in town before going to the country.î ÑMyslÌm, ûe bychom se mohli odv·ûit jeötÏ trochu d·le. Po- ìI think that we might venture a little farther than this. Look dÌvejte se na to pod tÌmto zorn˝m ˙hlem. P¯i jakÈ p¯Ìleûitosti at it in this light. On what occasion would it be most probable lidÈ nejpravdÏpodobnÏji d·vajÌ upomÌnkovÈ d·rky? Za jak˝ch that such a presentation would be made? When would his okolnostÌ se jeho p¯·telÈ sdruûili, aby mu nÏco vÏnovali z p¯·- friends unite to give him a pledge of their good will? Obviously telstvÌ na pam·tku? ZajistÈ ve chvÌli, kdy doktor Mortimer at the moment when Dr Mortimer withdrew from the service opouötÏl mÌsto v nemocnici, aby si za¯Ìdil vlastnÌ praxi. VÌme, of the hospital in order to start in practice for himself. We ûe dostal d·rek. DomnÌv·me se, ûe zamÏnil mÏstskou nemoc- know there has been a presentation. We believe there has nici za venkovskou praxi. MyslÌte, ûe p¯ekraËujeme p¯ÌstupnÈ been a change from a town hospital to a country practice. Is it, meze logickÈho uvaûov·nÌ, ¯ekneme-li, ûe dostal d·rek p¯i od- then, stretching our inference too far to say that the presenta- tion was on the occasion of the change?î ÑNuûe, jistÏ si uvÏdomujete, ûe doktor Mortimer nemohl b˝t ìNow, you will observe that he could not have been on the ¯·dn˝m Ëlenem lÈka¯skÈho sboru nemocnice, neboù takovÈ staff of the hospital, since only a man well established mÌsto m˘ûe zast·vat toliko muû, jenû m· v Lond˝nÏ dobrou in a London practice could hold such a position, and such a zavedenou praxi. A takov˝ ËlovÏk by sotva zapadl na ven- a one would not drift into the country. What was he, then? kovÏ. »Ìm tedy byl? Kdyû pracoval v nemocnici, a p¯ece nebyl If he was in the hospital and yet not on the staff, he could only ¯·dn˝m Ëlenem lÈka¯skÈho sboru, mohl b˝t toliko sekund·¯em have been a house-surgeon or a house-physician ñ little more na chirurgii nebo na internÏ, ne o moc vÌc neû student v nÏ- than a senior student. And he left five years ago ñ the date kterÈm z poslednÌch semestr˘. A odeöel z nemocnice p¯ed pÏti is on the stick. So your grave, middle-aged family practitioner lety ñ datum je na holi. Takûe v·ö v·ûn˝, obstaroûn˝ rodinn˝ vanishes into thin air, my dear Watson, and there emerges lÈka¯ se rozpl˝v· a mizÌ v nezn·mu, m˘j mil˝ Watsone, a na a young fellow under thirty, amiable, unambitious, absent- jeho mÌstÏ se vyno¯uje jun·k mladöÌ t¯icÌti let, p¯ÌvÏtiv˝, prost˝ minded, and the possessor of a favourite dog, which I should ctiû·dosti, roztrûit˝ a majitel psa, kterÈho bych zhruba popsal describe roughly as being larger than a terrier and smaller than takto: je vÏtöÌ neû foxteriÈr a menöÌ neû buldok.ì NevϯÌcnÏ jsem se zasm·l, kdyû se Sherlock Holmes poho- I laughed incredulously as Sherlock Holmes leaned back dlnÏ op¯el o lenoch pohovky a zaËal vypouötÏt ke stropu vlnitÈ in his settee and blew little wavering rings of smoke up to the ÑPokud jde o z·vÏreËn· tvrzenÌ, nem·m moûnost v·s kon- ìAs to the latter part, I have no means of checking you,î said I, ìbut at least it is not difficult to find out a few particulars about trolovat, Ñ ¯ekl jsem, Ñale naötÏstÌ nenÌ nesnadnÈ zjistit nÏkolik the manís age and professional career.î dat o jeho vÏku a o jeho lÈka¯skÈ dr·ze.ì From my small medical shelf I took down the Medical Vzal jsem ze svÈ malÈ lÈka¯skÈ poliËky Adres·¯ lÈka¯˘ a na- Directory and turned up the name. There were several Morti- öel jsem tam jeho jmÈno. Bylo tam nÏkolik Mortimer˘, ale na- mers, but only one who could be our visitor. I read his record öÌm n·vötÏvnÌkem mohl b˝t jenom jedin˝ z nich. P¯eËetl jsem Mortimer, James, MRCS, 1882, Grimper, Dartmoor, Devon, ÑMortimer Jakub, Ëlen K. K. H., promov·n 1882, adresa: Housesurgeon, from 1882 to 1884, at Charing Cross Hospital.
Grimpen, Dartmoor, Devonshire. Sekund·¯ od 1882 do 1884 Winner of the Jackson Prize for Comparative Pathology, with v lond˝nskÈ nemocnici Charing Cross. ZÌskal Jacksonovu cenu essay entitled ìIs disease a Reversion?î Corresponding member za srovn·vacÌ patologii svou pracÌ ,Je nemoc projevem ata- of the Swedish Pathological Society. Author of ëSome Freaks vismu?ë DopisujÌcÌ Ëlen ävÈdskÈ patologickÈ spoleËnosti. Autor of Atavismí (Lancet, 1882), ëDo We Progress?í (Journal of statÌ ,NÏkolik mimo¯·dn˝ch p¯Ìpad˘ atavismuë (Lancet, 1882), Psychology, March, 1883). Medical Officer for the parishes of ,Dosahujeme pokroku?ë (»asopis pro psychologii, b¯ezen 1883).
ObvodnÌ lÈka¯ pro farnosti Grimpen, Thorsley a High Barrow.ì ìNo mention of that local hunt, Watson,î said Holmes, with ÑAni zmÌnky o tÈ loveckÈ spoleËnosti, Watsone,ì ¯ekl Hol- a mischievous smile, ìbut a country doctor, as you very astute- mes s rozmarn˝m, troöinku zlomysln˝m ˙smÏvem, Ñale je to ly observed. I think that I am fairly justified in my inferences.
venkovsk˝ lÈka¯, jak jste velmi byst¯e rozpoznal. MyslÌm, ûe As to the adjectives, I said, if I remember right, amiable, unam- mÈ ˙sudky jsou celkem potvrzeny. Pokud jde o p¯Ìdavn· jmÈ- bitious, and absent-minded. It is my experience that it is only na, jichû jsem uûil, ¯ekl jsem, neklame-li mne pamÏù: p¯ÌvÏtiv˝, an amiable man in this world who receives testimonials, only prost˝ ctiû·dosti a roztrûit˝. Pokud sah· moje zkuöenost, jen an unambitious one who abandons a London career for the p¯ÌvÏtiv˝ ËlovÏk dost·v· na tomto svÏtÏ d·rky na pam·tku, jen country, and only an absent-minded one who leaves his stick ËlovÏk prost˝ ctiû·dosti opustÌ lond˝nskou kariÈru a jde na and not his visiting-card after waiting an hour in your room.î venkov a jen roztrûit˝ ËlovÏk zanech· po hodinÏ Ëek·nÌ ve va- ìHas been in the habit of carrying this stick behind his mas- ter. Being a heavy stick the dog has held it tightly by the mid- ÑM· ve zvyku nosit tuto h˘l za p·nem. Jelikoû je to tÏûk· dle, and the marks of his teeth are very plainly visible. The h˘l, pes ji drûÌ pevnÏ za prost¯edek a stopy jeho zub˘ jsou dogís jaw, as shown in the space between these marks, is too velmi z¯etelnÈ. Velikost ËelistÌ, jak ji ukazuje mezera mezi tÏ- broad in my opinion for a terrier and not broad enough for mito stopami, je podle mÈho n·zoru p¯Ìliö znaËn· pro foxteri- a mastiff. It may have been ñ yes, by Jove it is a curly- haired Èra, a ne dosti velik· na buldoka. Mohl by to b˝t ñ a u vöech vöudy, je to dlouhosrst˝ kokröpanÏl.ì He had risen and paced the room as he spoke. Now he halted Sherlock Holmes na zaË·tku svÈ ¯eËi povstal a mluvil chodÏ in the recess of the window. There was such a ring of convic- po svÏtnici. NynÌ se zastavil ve v˝klenku okna. V jeho hlase tion in his voice that I glanced up in surprise.
bylo tolik jistoty, ûe jsem p¯ekvapenÏ vzhlÈdl.
ìMy dear fellow, how can you possibly be so sure of that?î ÑM˘j mil˝ brachu, jak to, prosÌm v·s, m˘ûete tak bezpeËnÏ ìFor the very simple reason that I see the dog himself on our very doorstep, and there is the ring of its owner. Donít move, ÑZ prostÈho d˘vodu, ûe vidÌm p¯ÌsluönÈho psa na samÈm I beg you, Watson. He is a professional brother of yours, and prahu naöeho domu, a v tuto chvÌli slyöÌte, jak jeho majitel zvo- your presence may be of assistance to me. Now is the dramatic nÌ. ProsÌm v·s, neodch·zejte, Watsone. Je to v·ö kolega v po- moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair vol·nÌ a vaöe p¯Ìtomnost mi snad bude uûiteËn·. Je to drama- which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for tick˝ a osudov˝ okamûik, Watsone, kdyû slyöÌte na schodiöti good or ill. What does Dr James Mortimer, the man of science, kroky, jeû vstupujÌ do vaöeho ûivota, a nevÌte, zda p¯in·öejÌ do- ask of Sherlock Holmes, the specialist in crime? Come in!î bro Ëi zlo. »eho si doktor Jakub Mortimer, muû vÏdy, û·d· od The appearance of our visitor was a surprise to me since Sherlocka Holmese, kriminalisty? Vstupte!ì I had expected a typical country practitioner. He was a very Vzhled naöeho n·vötÏvnÌka mÏ p¯ekvapil, neboù jsem oËek·- tall, thin man, with a long nose like a beak, which shot out val typickÈho venkovskÈho lÈka¯e. Ve skuteËnosti vöak byl between two keen, grey eyes, set closely together and spar- doktor Mortimer velmi vysok˝ huben˝ muû s nosem dlouh˝m kling brightly from behind a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.
jako zob·k, jenû strmÏl z ˙zkÈho prostoru mezi dvojicÌ öed˝ch, He was clad in a professional but rather slovenly fashion, for bystr˝ch oËÌ, bl˝skajÌcÌch zpod brejlÌ se zlat˝mi obrouËkami.
his frock-coat was dingy and his trousers frayed. Though ObleËen byl po doktorskÈm zp˘sobu, ale trochu nedbale, ne- young, his long back was already bowed, and he walked with boù jeho öosat˝ kab·t byl neokart·Ëovan˝ a jeho kalhoty roz- a forward thrust of his head and a general air of peering t¯epenÈ. AË ml·d, mÏl jiû sehnut· z·da a p¯i ch˘zi p¯edkl·nÏl benevolence. As he entered his eyes fell upon the stick in hlavu; jeho obliËej mÏl v˝raz jakÈsi dobromyslnÈ zvÌdavosti.
Holmesís hand, and he ran towards it with an exclamation Kdyû vstoupil, padl jeho pohled na h˘l v HolmesovÏ ruce a doktor Mortimer se k nÌ s radostn˝m zvol·nÌm rozbÏhl.
ìI am so very glad,î said he. ìI was not sure whether I had ÑJsem tak r·d,ì ¯ekl. ÑNebyl jsem si jist, zda jsem ji zapom- left it here or in the Shipping Office. I would not lose that stick nÏl zde nebo v kancel·¯i lodnÌ spoleËnosti. NechtÏl bych o ni ìA presentation, I see,î said Holmes.
ÑJe to patrnÏ Ëestn˝ dar,ì ¯ekl Holmes.
ìFrom one or two friends there on the occasion of my mar- ÑOd nÏkolika tamnÌch p¯·tel. Dali mi to k svatbÏ.ì ìDear, dear, thatís bad!î said Holmes, shaking his head.
ÑOuha, ouha, to je zlÈ!ì ¯ekl Sherlock Holmes, pot¯·saje hlavou.
Dr Mortimer blinked through his glasses in mild astonishment.
Doktor Mortimer ponÏkud p¯ekvapenÏ zamrkal.
ìOnly that you have disarranged our little deductions. Your ÑJen potud, ûe jste poöramotil naöe ˙sudeËky. Ke svatbÏ, jste ìYes, sir. I married, and so left the hospital, and with it all ÑAno. Oûenil jsem se, a tak jsem dal vale nemocnici a tÌm hopes of a consulting practice. It was necessary to make a home i veökerÈ nadÏji na konsili·rnÌ praxi. Bylo t¯eba, abych zaloûil ìCome, come, we are not so far wrong after all,î said ÑNuûe, tak velmi jsme se koneckonc˘ nezm˝lili,ì ¯ekl Hol- Holmes. ìAnd now, Dr James Mortimer ñî mes. ÑA nynÌ by doktor Jakub Mortimer ñì ìMister, sir, Mister ñ a humble M R C S.î ÑPan Mortimer, pan ñ pouh˝ obyËejn˝ chirurgus.ì ìAnd a man of precise mind, evidently.î ÑA z¯ejmÏ muû p¯esnÈho zp˘sobu myölenÌ.ì ìA dabbler in science, Mr Holmes, a picker-up of shells ÑDiletant ve vÏdÏ, pane Holmesi, sbÏratel muöliËek na b¯e- on the shores of the great unknown ocean. I presume that zÌch velkÈho nezn·mÈho oce·nu. P¯edpokl·d·m, ûe mluvÌm it is Mr Sherlock Holmes whom I am addressing and not ñî s panem Sherlockem Holmesem a nikoliv ñì ÑNe, toto je m˘j p¯Ìtel doktor Watson.ì ìGlad to meet you, sir. I have heard your name mentioned ÑTÏöÌ mne, ûe v·s pozn·v·m, pane doktore. Slyöel jsem in connection with that of your friend. You interest me very o v·s v souvislosti s vaöÌm p¯Ìtelem. Velmi mÏ zajÌm·te, pane much, Mr Holmes. I had hardly expected so dolichocephalic Holmesi. Sotva jsem Ëekal lebku tak dolichokefalnÌ nebo tak a skull or such well-marked supra-orbital development. Would v˝raznÏ vyvinutÈ oblouky nadoËnicovÈ. Dovolil byste, abych you have any objection to my running my finger along your pari- p¯ejel prstem po vaöem pariet·lnÌm övu? Odlitek vaöÌ lebky, etal fissure? A cast of your skull, sir, until the original is available, pane, dokud nebude k dispozici origin·l, by byl ozdobou kaû- would be an ornament to any anthropological museum. It is not dÈho antropologickÈho muzea. Nechci b˝t nevkusn˝, ale mu- my intention to be fulsome, but I confess that I covet your skull.î sÌm se p¯iznat, ûe bych mÏl hroznÏ r·d vaöi lebku.ì Sherlock Holmes waved our strange visitor into a chair.
Sherlock Holmes pohybem ruky nabÌdl naöemu podivnÈmu ìYou are an enthusiast in your line of thought, I perceive, sir, as I am in mine,î said he. ìI observe from your forefinger ÑJste, pane, jak vidÌm, stejn˝m nadöencem ve svÈm oboru that you make your own cigarettes. Have no hesitation in light- jako j· v mÈm,ì ¯ekl. ÑZ vaöeho ukazov·Ëku usuzuji, ûe si krou- tÌte cigarety. Nev·hejte si zap·lit.ì The man drew out paper and tobacco and twirled the one Muû vyt·hl papÌr a tab·k a s p¯ekvapujÌcÌ dovednostÌ ukrou- up in the other with surprising dexterity. He had long, quiver- til cigaretu. MÏl dlouhÈ senzitivnÌ prsty, mrötnÈ a neklidnÈ jako ing fingers as agile and restless as the antennae of an insect.
Holmes was silent, but his little darting glances showed Holmes mlËel, ale podle jeho rychl˝ch letm˝ch pohled˘ me the interest which he took in our curious companion.
jsem vidÏl, jak velmi ho n·ö podivn˝ n·vötÏvnÌk zajÌm·.
ìI presume, sir,î said he at last, ìthat it was not merely for ÑM·m za to, pane,ì ¯ekl Holmes koneËnÏ, Ñûe jste mÏ vËera the purpose of examining my skull that you have done me the a znova dnes nepoctil n·vötÏvou jen z toho d˘vodu, abyste si honour to call here last night and again today?î ìNo, sir, no; though I am happy to have had the opportuni- ÑNikoliv, pane Holmesi, nikoliv; aËkoliv jsem öùasten, ûe ty of doing that as well, I came to you, Mr Holmes, because jsem mÏl p¯Ìleûitost i k tomu. P¯iöel jsem k v·m, pane Holmesi, I recognize that I am myself an unpractical man, and because protoûe vÌm, jak˝ jsem nepraktick˝ ËlovÏk, a protoûe jsem se I am suddenly confronted with a most serious and extraordi- n·hle octl tv·¯Ì v tv·¯ problÈmu krajnÏ v·ûnÈmu a mimo¯·d- nary problem. Recognizing, as I do, that you are the second nÈmu. A jelikoû vÌm a uzn·v·m, ûe jste druh˝ nejvÏtöÌ odbor- ìIndeed, sir! May I inquire who has the honour to be the ÑCo nedÌte, pane! SmÌm se v·s ot·zat, kdo m· Ëest b˝t prv- first?î asked Holmes, with some asperity.
nÌm?ì ¯ekl ponÏkud podr·ûdÏnÏ Holmes.
ìTo the man of precisely scientific mind the work of Ñ»lovÏku, zvyklÈmu na p¯esn˝, vÏdeck˝ zp˘sob myölenÌ, Monsieur Bertillon must always appeal strongly.î pr·ce Alfonse Bertillona musÌ povûdy velmi imponovat.ì ÑNebylo by tudÌû lepöÌ, kdybyste se ot·zal o radu jeho?ì ìI said, sir, to the precisely scientific mind. But as a practical Ñÿekl jsem, pane: ËlovÏku p¯esnÏ vÏdeckÈmu. Pokud jde man of affairs it is acknowledged that you stand alone. I trust, o praktick· ¯eöenÌ, jste obecnÏ uzn·v·n jako jedineËn˝. Dou- ìJust a little,î said Holmes. ìI think, Dr Mortimer, you would ÑJen maliËko,ì ¯ekl Holmes. ÑMyslÌm, doktore Mortimere, ûe do wisely if without more ado you would kindly tell me plain- byste jednal moud¯e, kdybyste mi laskavÏ bez dalöÌch okolk˘ ly what the exact nature of the problem is in which you prostÏ povÏdÏl, jakÈho druhu je vÏc, ve kterÈ si û·d·te mÈ po-


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