1 november 2005

377 West Line Street - Bishop, California 93514 Post Office Box 1236 - Bishop, California 93515 Public Works Report
1. Removed defective 4 inch main line valve on Clarke Street just east of South Third Street.
2. Repaired pinhole leak on 5/8” copper water service at 375 Short Street. 3. Removed main line valve boxes along Clarke Street that became abandoned due to the Clarke Street Water Main Replacement Project. 4. Completed annual testing of all backflow valves in the city. 5. Started annual main line valve exercising. 6. Awarded the Positive Pressure Water System Improvement Project to RDC Incorporated at 7. Performed grounds maintenance at Wells 2 and 4 as well as the tank site. 8. Took monthly readings of all water meters. 10. Participated in Inyo Mono Regional Water Management Group teleconference. 11. Continued work on Water and Sewer Rate Review. Presented initial recommendations to Sewer
1. As part of our efforts to keep grease out of city sewer mains, city staff videoed known
problem areas again (Jack’s Waffle Shop, Las Palmas, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Whiskey Creek). At this time none of the restaurants have made any effort to remedy the problem. City has made contact with these owners. 2. Performed semi-annual maintenance to the aerators. 3. Began Automated Sludge Transfer project. Work included: removal of abandoned conduits, removal of handrails and placement of new conduit. 4. Continued hauling excess dirt from water main job into Pond 6 to level bottom of the pond and enhance the discharge capabilities of the pond. 5. Continued design efforts with RO Anderson for the trunk line replacement from the Bishop Creek Canal to the Waste Water Treatment Plant. 6. Continued sampling of ponds and monitoring wells for dissolved oxygen, PH, ammonia and nitrates. This effort is to correspond with work the Eastern Sierra Community Service District is presently doing. 7. Met with Eastern Sierra Community Services District on cooperation opportunities including a feasibility study to be done by RO Anderson. 8. Videoed more of the sewer main system. 9. Cleaned sludge drying beds in preparation for digester cleaning. 10. Made routine inspections of grease interceptors. 11. Performed routine main line cleaning in trouble areas. Streets
1. Continued the process of replacing all STOP signs within the city. The new signs meet
2. Installed “2 Hour Parking” sign on North Fowler adjacent to the City Auditorium. 3. Completed street marking painting operations. 4. Removed Puncture Vines (tribulus terrestris) from shoulders of city streets. 5. Repaired and or replaced various street signs in the city. 7. Patched potholes in City streets that posed potential safety issues. 8. Participated in Inyo Local Transportation Commission meeting. 9. Attended a Traffic Control Class provided by Caltrans. This class was offered to all parties that organize parades in Inyo and Mono counties. 10. Worked with Inyo County and advocates of Adventure Trails project. 11. Attended Bishop Tree Committee meeting. 12. Provided “NO Parking” signs on various streets on July Fourth at the Fire Departments 13. Participated in Rural Counties Task Force concerning transportation funding. 14. Investigated short term financing for the Warren Street Improvements project. Miscellaneous
1. Continued with reorganization of the big shop to accommodate a more extensive inventory of
2. Performed maintenance and serviced Public Works vehicles. 3. Provided weekly tail gate safety for the Public Works crew. 4. Hauled trash and debris from Fowler Pit to the Sunland Landfill. 5. Participated in Eastern Sierra Energy Foundation teleconference.

Source: http://www.ca-bishop.us/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/201307PWReport.pdf


Product specific limitations 1. Wash buffers containing high levels of detergent can decrease the staining intensity. 2. Occasional lymphoid tumours and non-lymphoid neoplasms such as melanomas are labelled. Monoclonal Mouse Performance characteristics Normal tissues: The antibody has been tested on a large range of normal tissues. Positive labelling was observed in the mammary

Microsoft word - basic whisky habost.doc

Basic om Whisky Det finns mer än skottar som producerar Whisk(e)y Whisky är ett alltför enkelt ord som för många bara betyder en drink med kiltvarning. Varför krångla till det, ta något billigt och kasta i några isbitar som dom gör på film. För andra är tvärtom, man är mycket noga med sin whisky och dess traditioner och ursprung. Malt, peat, blended, vatted, pot s

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