Oriental medicine intake form

Who is responsible for this account?___________________ Name_____________________________________ Relationship to Patient________________________ Address____________________________________ Insurance Co._______________________________ __________________________________________ Group #____________________________________ Is patient covered by additional insurance? Subscriber’s Name___________________________ Birthdate__________________SS#______________ Patient SS#_________________________________ Relationship to Patient________________________ Occupation_________________________________ Insurance Co._______________________________ Employer___________________________________ Group #____________________________________ ASSIGNMENT AND RELEASE
Emp. Address_______________________________ I, the undersigned, certify that I(or my dependent) have insurance coverage with ________________________and assign directly to Emp. Phone________________________________ __________________________all insurance benefits, if any, Spouse/Partner’s Name_________________________ otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I hereby authorize the provider to release all Birthdate________________SS#________________ information necessary to secure the payment of benefits. I authorize the use of this signature on all insurance submissions. Occupation_________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Spouse/Partner’s Employer_________________________ ____________________________________ ________________ you?______________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS
H____________W____________Cell____________ Date______________________________________ Best time & place to reach you__________________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CONTACT
To whom have you made a report of your accident? Name_________________Relationship___________ Attorney Name (if applicable)_____________________ Home phone____________Work phone__________ GENERAL INFORMATION
Have you had acupuncture before?
Are you currently under the care of a physician? No If Yes, for what?___________________________ Physician’s name:________________________________ Physician’s phone:_________________________ ORIENTAL MEDICINE INTAKE FORM

PRESENT HEALTH CONCERNS: Please list your most important health concerns in order of their significance.
1. ________________________________________ Approx. Date of Onset:____________________________
Does it interfere with your:
2. ________________________________________ Approx. Date of Onset:____________________________ Does it interfere with your: 3. ________________________________________ Approx. Date of Onset:____________________________ Does it interfere with your:
Please list all medications that you are currently taking (or have used in the past two months), with dosages:
4._________________________________________ 2.________________________________________ 5._________________________________________ 3.________________________________________ 6._________________________________________ Please list any vitamins, minerals, herbs, or homeopathic remedies that you are presently taking:
4._________________________________________ 2.________________________________________ 5._________________________________________ 3.________________________________________ 6._________________________________________ Please list allergies that you have to any of the following:
Drugs:_________________________________ Foods:_______________________________________________
Other (i.e. pollen, paint, etc.):____________________________________________________________________
Past Medical History:
Please list past injuries, broken bones, surgeries and hospitalizations, with approx. dates.
Personal Habits:
Work Activity:
Do you follow any diet regimens/restrictions? If Yes, describe:_____________________________ FAMILY INFORMATION

Do you have children?
No If Yes, how many?__________Ages______________________
Are you, or could you be currently pregnant?
Please check if you have had (in the last three months)
 Poor appetite
Other hair or skin concerns: HEAD, EYES, EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT Concussions  Headaches (location, triggers, severity)?
Other head & neck concerns:
 High blood pressure
Other heart or blood vessel concerns: RESPIRATORY  Cough  Production of phlegm - color?________  Pneumonia Other lung related concerns: History of chronic laxative use? Other concerns with your general digestion: GENTIO-URINARY  Pain on urination If you wake to urinate, how often? Other concerns with genitals or urinary system: MUSCULOSKELETAL  Neck pain Other muscle, joint or bone concerns: NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL  Seizures Have you ever been treated for emotional problems? Have you ever considered or attempted suicide? Other neurological or psychological concerns: GYNECOLOGY Age of first menses______ If no longer menstruating, approximate date ceased____________ First day of last menses______ Length between menses:______days Duration of period:_____days  Unusual flow ( GYNECOLOGY (continued) Changes in body or psyche prior to menstruation (“PMS”): Date of last PAP:________________ Results were: If you use birth control, what type & for how long? Have you ever used hormonal methods for contraception or period regulation? (i.e. the pill, Depo-Provera, etc.) Other gynecological concerns: PREGNANCY HISTORY Number of pregnancies______ Were your births relatively normal? Explain:
Other related concerns:
Please let us know of any other concerns you would like to address:
Family History: Please fill in the boxes for each condition that applies to one of your family members.
Signature: _______________________________________

Source: http://aom.nycc.edu/files/AOMNewPatientInformation.pdf


St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide details of the processes and standards which must be achieved by Paramedics who wish to advance through the various Advanced Care levels within St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc.; and to provide guidelines for the use of advanced care skills. Scope This policy applies to Paramedics of

Use of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (pao) for treatment of phosphate sludge

Sengupta, M. and Dalwani, R. (Editors). 2008 Proceedings of Taal2007: The 12th World Lake Conference: 918-922 Use of Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (Pao) For Treatment Of Phosphate Sludge Shyam S. Bajekal and Neelam S. Dharmadhikari Department of Microbiology, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Vidyanagar, KARAD – 415 124. (Maharashtra, India) E-mail: ABST

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