

Copyright 1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

Online publishing may be the wave of the me for every question I have. I have many future, but right now most dentists still prefer the printed page for their reading. About 78 percent of dentists responding to counter the bias inherent in JADA’s question JADA’s January Question of the Month said (this is a print publication, after all), Jan- they favor paper-and-ink periodicals over Inter- uary’s query also was posted on the ADA’s Web site, ADA ONLINE. All future Questions Confided one dentist, “I have often thought of the Month will appear online and in print.
that at some point all journals would be pub- lished exclusively online. But the print journal swered January’s question online, 15 said they is still the most convenient. I can read it in my preferred print publications, 13 favored elec- office or home, take it with me to my son’s tronic media, and three said both have merit.
swim meet, and read it on a plane or train. An One respondent who prefers online reading online journal would simply not be that conven- suggested that members be given “a choice to pay the publication costs of having the printed Added another, “I grew up with print publi- version if they wish to have it this way.” cations. I like to hold them in my hands, ear- mark them, highlight them, leave them for two the ADA’s print publications are not a drain on days and return to them—like a slow-reading the Association’s economy. In fact, they turn a substantial profit each year, contributing pre- Of the 91 dentists responding to JADA’s cious nondues dollars to the ADA’s general January question, 71 preferred print, 13 favored online, and seven said, in effect, that noted in an address to the House of Delegates “I primarily rely on print publications,” said last year, profit margins for scientific journals one respondent, “but online publications will be like JADA average about 9 percent nation- a welcome addition as long as the print publica- wide. JADA’s gross profits are currently 22 “It depends on where I am,” said another.
Those who preferred online publications said Journal either online or in print will likely get they liked the speed and convenience. Noted one their way later this year. As soon as all the reader with an online preference, “I can more particulars can be worked out, the Association easily find the reference I am seeking by doing a will begin posting JADA on the Web site each “Ctrl-F” or “apple-F” (find feature) and asking month, with full text, graphics and other ele- for a specific word. That brings me immediately to the paragraph I seek, rather than having to If you’re among those who prefer the paper Observed another who favored online, “I version of JADA, have no fear. It’ll be around often have trouble pulling information out of printed journals. I live high up in the Colorado Reported by James Berry, Associate Publisher, Editorial.
Rocky Mountains, and the nearest library thathas journals is at the [University of Colorado] JADA’s Question of the Month is presented as an opportunity for JADA readers to express their views on the issues of the day, for the dental school in Denver. Research information interest of their colleagues in dentistry. The Question of the Month is not at hand for me. It takes too long and is does not qualify as a scientific survey, and its findings should not beconstrued as statistically significant. expensive for a literature search to be mailed to Copyright 1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.


dDr. Leonard Abrams,
Academy of Prosthodontics. Dr.
Richard F. Mascola, Jericho,
Achievement Award. Dr.
Stanley M. Weinstock, New
were Dr. Gary R. Goldstein,
Dr. Dennis Tarnow, New
York City, vice president; Dr.
Copyright 1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
Dennis N. Morea, New York
City, secretary; and Dr. Peter
7071, April 13-16, Anaheim;
C. Furnari, Scarsdale, treasur-
Sept. 15-17, San Francisco.
er. Dr. Robert A. Saporito,
dDr. James C. Steiner,
Colorado Dental Asso-
ciation, 3690 S. Yosemite St.,
president. Dr. Louis Rubins,
New York City, and Dr.
1-303-740-6900, June 15-18,
Kenneth Schweitzer, New
Connecticut State Dental
Association, 62 Russ St.,
dDr. Michael Cochran,
May 16-18, Ledyard.
Delaware State Dental
CALENDAR Society,1925 Lovering Ave.,
dDr. Anna Dongari-
Bagtzoglou, San Antonio, re-
4335, May 12, Newark.
Florida Dental Association,
Periodontology Foundation. Dr.
3629, June 15-17, Orlando.
Frank Roberts, Seattle, was
2000 Oct. 14-18, Chicago
Georgia Dental Association,
2001 Oct. 13-17, Kansas City
Dr. Stephen Meraw,
2002 Oct. 19-23, New Orleans
the 1999 Kramer Scholar. Dr.
July 27-30, Amelia Island, Fla.
Dominik B. Dubravec,
Hawaii Dental Association,
April 3-5, Honolulu.
dDr. Lewis Clayman,
Idaho State Dental Asso-
ciation, 1220 W. Hays St., Boise
83702, 1-208-343-7543, June 14-
17, Sun Valley.
Alabama Dental Associa-
Illinois State Dental
tion, 836 Washington St.,
Society, 1010 S. Second St.,
dDr. Arthur Nimmo,
265-1684, June 13-18, Orange
1406, Sept. 8-10, Rockford.
Indiana Dental Association,
Alaska Dental Society,
Other officers elected were Dr.
Thomas J. McGarry,
5646, May 18-20, Indianapolis.
563-3003, May 17-20, Sitka.
Iowa Dental Association,
Dr. David A. Felton, Chapel
Arizona Dental Asso-
Hill, N.C., vice president; Dr.
ciation, 4131 N. 36th St.,
Jonathan L. Ferencz, New
May 6-8, Des Moines.
York City, secretary; and Dr.
April 6-7, Phoenix.
Kansas Dental Association,
Richard E. Jones, Munster,
Arkansas State Dental
Ind., treasurer. Dr. Thomas D.
Association, 2501 Crestwood
1-785-272-7360, April 13-15,
Taylor, Farmington, Conn., is
Overland Park.
Kentucky Dental Asso-
dDr. Leslie W. Seldin, New
April 14-15, Little Rock.
ciation, 1940 Princeton Drive,
California Dental Associa-
tion, P.O. Box 13749,
March 30-April 2, Louisville.
Copyright 1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
Louisiana Dental Associa-
Society, P.O. Box 2229,
Association, 120 Stonemark
tion, 7833 Office Park Blvd.,
June 22-24, Durham, N.H.
750-2277, May 4-7, Myrtle
926-1986, March 24-25,
New Jersey Dental As-
sociation, One Dental Plaza,
South Dakota Dental
Maine Dental Association,
Association, P.O. Box 1194,
04351, 1-207-622-7900, June
821-9400, May 19-21, Atlantic
May 18-21, Sioux Falls.
16-18, Rockport.
Tennessee Dental Asso-
Maryland State Dental
New Mexico Dental Asso-
ciation, P.O. Box 120188,
Association, 6450F Dobbin
ciation, 3736 Eubank Blvd.
8962, May 18-21, Memphis.
964-2880, Aug. 26-27, Ocean
87111, 1-505-294-1368, June
Texas Dental Association,
14-17, Albuquerque.
Massachusetts Dental
Dental Society of the State
78704, 1-512-443-3675, May 4-
Society, 83 Speen St., Natick
of New York, 121 State St.,
6, San Antonio.
01760, 1-508-651-7511, May 12-
Vermont State Dental
13, Burlington.
Nov. 16-19, New York City.
Society, 100 Dorset St., Suite
Michigan Dental Associa-
North Carolina Dental
tion, 230 N. Washington
Association, P.O. Box 4099,
1-802-864-0115, Nov. 2-3,
South Burlington.
48933, 1-517-372-9070, April
May 18-21, Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Virginia Dental Associa-
12-15, Grand Rapids.
North Dakota Dental
tion, P.O. Box 6906, 5006
Minnesota Dental Associa-
Association, Box 1332,
tion, 2236 Marshall Ave., Suite
23230, 1-804-358-4927, Sept.
8870, Sept. 15-17, Bismarck.
13-17, Williamsburg.
7454, April 28-May 1, St. Paul.
Ohio Dental Association,
Pacific Northwest Dental
Mississippi Dental Asso-
Conference (Washington
ciation, 2630 Ridgewood Road,
43215, 1-614-486-2700, Sept. 14-
State Dental Association),
17, Columbus.
June 16-21, Destin, Fla.
Oklahoma Dental Associa-
Missouri Dental Associa-
tion, 629 W. Interstate—44
July 26-28, Seattle.
tion, P.O. Box 1707, Jefferson
West Virginia Dental
73118, 1-405-848-8873, May 10-
Association, 2003 Quarrier St.,
May 19-20, Branson.
13, Oklahoma City.
Montana Dental Associa-
Oregon Dental Asso-
5246, July 20-23, White
tion, P.O. Box 1154, Helena
ciation, 17898 S.W. McEwan
Sulphur Springs.
59624, 1-406-443-2061, Aug. 9-
Wisconsin Dental
12, Big Sky.
620-3230, March 31-April 1,
Association, 111 E. Wisconsin
Nebraska Dental Asso-
ciation, 3120 O St., Lincoln
Pennsylvania Dental As-
53202, 1-414-276-4520, April
68510, 1-402-476-1704, April 9-
sociation, P.O. Box 3341,
28-30, Milwaukee.
11, Omaha.
Harrisburg 17105, April 6-9,
Wyoming Dental Associa-
Nevada Dental Associa-
tion, P.O. Box 1123, Cheyenne
tion, 6889 W. Charleston Blvd.;
Rhode Island Dental
82003, 1-307-634-5878, June
Association, 200 Centerville
23-25, Casper.
702-255-4211, July 6-8, Santa
732-6833, May 17, Providence.
New Hampshire Dental
South Carolina Dental
Copyright 1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.


FDA Warns of Fracture Risk With Popular Heartburn Drugs By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter by Steven Reinberg healthday Reporter Wed May 26, 11:48 pm ET TUESDAY, May 25 (HealthDay News) -- Blockbuster heartburn medications such as Prevacid, Prilosec and Nexium will now carry a warning on their labels linking the drugs to a heightened risk for fractures, the U.S. Food and Drug Adm

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